Study Group Session 80: General Question and Answer
Session Notes
Discussion forum posts since last meeting
Brenda Desjardins (St Lawrence) provided a response to the question from last session regarding Boundless branding:
Need to access via the administration site:
Access to the library’s Boundless administration site can be accessed via this URL:
Here is the link for the information to brand boundless:
Michael Reansbury (George Brown): I am cataloging a resource that is a compilations of chapters from other resources. I want to include a 7XX field to link to the resources the chapters came from. Has anyone come across examples of which 7XX field to use and how to encode within the field?
Stacey provided answers to the questions that came up at the last session about the COOL collection:
Import Profile for COOL IV and VI collections - marc files
Jennifer Horwath (Mohawk College), adding Linkedin Learning collection:
does the content get added at the portfolio level or the collection level?
there was a conversation on the eresource listserv regarding access not working because of parser parameters
Brenda (St Lawrence), COOL collection:
own about 80 audiobook titles, purchased in perpetuity outside of the
doing it title by title
if I search each title separately, can move it to the MDE and created a separate collection for the purchased titles
then add links for Boundless
audiobooks purchased in perpetuity
alot of manual handling
go back to rep at EBSCO and ask for marc file?
when turned off EBSCO audio books, not appearing now because using the COOL collection and what we’ve purchased
Jennifer Horwath: asked B&T for the MARC for the individual titles we purchased and they supplied an .mrc file.
Rebecca Pearson (Lambton College), creating a new filter for Primo VE:
how complicated was the process?
a filter for electronic titles, but looking for instructions on making any new filter
ideally using an existing field; if the information didn’t exist, would not be making the filter
Lingling Jiang (Algonquin College):
added a local field and turned into a facet
may take 1 hour to complete
Danielle Emon (OCLS) and Lingling both experimented with this using physical titles and testing configuration first
Lingling’s was just to search against on a local field, they think it doesn't matter if it is for print or eresource
Danielle: in Alma, can take advantage of item level filtering/establish an extra item level filter in Alma
Rebecca is looking at it from a user’s standpoint, creating a filter for Primo VE
How do I set up local fields to display, be searchable, and link in Primo VE? - FAQs