Study Group Session 93: General Question and Answer

Study Group Session 93: General Question and Answer

Session Notes

Diana Borges, OCLS: Resource Sharing Update:

  • Cancelled by staff status is used any time staff manually cancel a request, but also anytime the System cancels a request automatically and this aspect of the behavior cannot be changed.

  • It is possible to reactivate requests and then manually cancel it and assign a different reason for the cancellation: Reactivate the Borrowing Request, then manually cancel it again but choose a Cancel Reason when you do. The "Reactivate" step can be used for resource sharing requests that have been completed, canceled, or rejected. It is available when the request is in one of the final statuses, and the requester exists. Additionally, if an active partner exists, it should have the "Reactivated" step in the workflow profile. The privilege to reactivate requests is based on user role privileges, and it must be enabled in the borrowing workflow profile. Reactivation is an option for requests that have been completed or shipped digitally. This process involves reactivating the request, editing it, and then closing it again, although it may affect other aspects of the request. When reactivating, options such as "Reactivate loan" and "Send general message" appear, allowing the request to reset its status and return to the proper workflow step.

  • Reactivate is currently part of the Page 1+ Borrowing Workflow but not the Page 1+ Lending Workflow. OCLS can add this step to the Page 1+ Lending Workflow in the NZ.

  • However, it is also not possible to manually assign some statuses (e.g. externally obtained) to requests that are automatically cancelled by the system, because their use and functionality is hard-coded and cannot be changed. When changing the status of a RS Request, the system will not let you select any status and just apply it. If you attempt to reactivate a request and change the status to one that would break the workflow, you will see a Changed 0 of 1 Request message and the status will not change.

  • additional information about options for changing request statuses for requests on the Known Issues page in Confluence:


  • sample workflow for reactivating requests was added to the Draft Staff Workflow:

Draft Staff Workflow Instructions | Reactivating a request

  • The status of borrowing requests is displayed in the user's account in Primo VE, and these statuses can be customized and translated. This customization allows for more user-friendly status descriptions, replacing technical terms like Cancelled by staff with more appropriate labels. The descriptions of statuses can be customized by going to Configuration > Fulfillment > Resource Sharing > Borrowing Request Statuses.

Discussion Forum Posts:

Liana Giovando, OCLS, Resource Sharing Update:

  • we are working on digitization and electronic resource sharing and will have configuration and workflow instructions for colleges by the end of the year/early next year

Stacey Boileau, OCLS, ExLibris ELUNA and IGELU list of tools from Tier 1 & 2 support for Central Office

  • sometimes getting timely support from Ex Libris can be difficult, they are overwhelmed

  • Ex Libris has asked IGELU and ELUNA consortia communities of practice to come up with a list of possible Tier 1 and Tier 2 support tools that it would be good if Central Office had access to and improve the support provided

  • consortia around the world are helping to compile the list, then Ex Libris will pick some things from the list and maybe allow them

  • Is there anything that you know you always have to go to Ex Libris for support? Anything that you go to Tier 1 support for often and think that Central Office will be better suited to do it/it would be more efficient for Central Office to do? (e.g. access to logs or debug tools that Ex Libris has, being able to index)

  • Community of Practice submission deadline is November 15, let Stacey know if anything comes to mind

  • Travis Winwood, Algonquin College: Details of error logs. Had to go to tier 2 support last time.

  • Danielle Emon, OCLS: OCLS knows the data well, so I do see the advantages....

  • Jennifer Horwath, Mohawk: Stacey, I"m not sure if this is relevant to what you're asking but sometimes there are changes needed to CDI that ExL needs to do, would be great if OCLS could make those edits, not sure if possible

    • Stacey: Would re-indexing solve some of these issues?

    • Jennifer: Sometimes there would be a dead link in the source and we can't update it because it's in the CDI and have to go through Ex Libris. It would be more expedient if OCLS had access to be able to make that kind of change. But maybe a re indexing would help that.

    • Stacey: I'm not so sure about the the data aspect, because it depends on the source, but maybe re-indexing could help in terms of being able to see any updated changes. We can put it on the list anyway to see if it is possible.

Danielle Emon, OCLS: Page 1+ Discussion Forum post:

CLO Cataloguing Session:

Issue with the chat:

  • Travis, Raghav, and Danielle noticed that they are being removed and re-added to the chat

  • Travis was not able to see any of the chat history

  • Danielle could still see the chat after re-joining

  • Stacey will ask OCAS about this


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