Study Group Session 97: General Question and Answer

Study Group Session 97: General Question and Answer

Session Notes

Liana Giovando, OCLS: Resource sharing update

  • check in meeting was well attended

  • primary goal for 2025 is to make everyone comfortable to use Alma and Primo VE for physical resource sharing

  • simultaneously working with the Copyright Special Interest Group on questions around digital resource sharing

  • use OLA to have CLO and OCUL leadership meet to discuss partnership

Discussion Forum Question from Erin Williams from Fanshawe College: Hold issue for multi volume monographs

  • Page 1+ Community Discussion Forum - CLO Collaboration Space

  • request for a physical item from a multi volume set, with all the volumes circulating independently and not as one set:

    • no way to indicate the desired volume through Primo VE

    • staff tried placing an item-level request on each volume in Alma, but Alma blocked the second request with the following message: “Failed to save the request: Patron has active request for selected title.”

  • There were some helpful responses in the Discussion Forum but would like to see how other folks have addressed this

Rebecca Pearson, Lambton:

  • one solution would be to create separate bib records for each volume

  • another option in Alma could be to request from a Physical Items search instead of a titles search to place a request for a particular item rather than the title: Request from the more actions menu beside the item


  • tested the request method - the second request was still blocked in Alma


  • might need to update the TOU to allow for multiple requests

Danielle Emon, OCLS:

  • video on creating physical item requests:

Creating Physical Item Requests (4 min.)

  • there might be configuration option so that you can put a hold request on a specific item

Requests in Alma

  • it would be preferrable to find a solution that doesn’t require creating separate bib records

Diana Borges, OCLS:

  • November 2024 Fulfillment and Resource Sharing SF: 06944594: Alma 2024 Release Notes
    When attempting to create multiple requests on items under the same title for the same patron, Alma blocks the second request, unless the requests have different description/volume, etc. Previously, in this case, the failure message was "Patron has active request for selected item". To make the message more accurate, it was changed to "Patron has active request for selected title". For serial titles, the message was changed to: "Patron has active request for selected title. Note that specifying a different description/volume etc., if possible, may enable creating the request."

  • Could you try adding Description in the item records? This worked for me to request multiple items in the Sandbox.


  • added volume to the Description field and the items were displaying a separate request link in Primo VE

  • needed to add volumes in description fields of all items to be able to request multiple items in Alma

  • will continue to test to see if requests can be placed for multiple volumes and update Discussion Forum post


  • TOU solution, edit the policy that that controls multiple loans: "Reloan Limit" line 25 of Loan TOU

Sarah Walker: Holdings for temporary locations

  • when we use temporary locations, a second holding is created

  • someone from another institution mentioned that this was not the case for them - is it something they have set up that is incorrect? are they not using temporary locations but permanent locations?

  • this is expected behaviour - St Lawrence, Georgian, Fanshawe, Fleming






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