Study Group Session 92: General Question and Answer

Study Group Session 92: General Question and Answer

Session Notes

Diana Borges, OCLS:

  • Study Group session schedule has reverted to 30 minute sessions

Discussion Forum Posts

  • Jennifer Horwath, Mohawk College, Alma Overlap Analysis for Physical Items: Currently, we will check the lists of textbooks from the Bookstore to see if we have any of them in the stacks. This has been a manual job of checking against Primo VE. Just learned that as of last year, Alma offers physical title overlap analysis (in addition to their regular electronic overlap analysis tool). Now, we can feed Alma a list of ISBNs from the bookstore and Alma will check for overlap against our physical titles and generate a list of matches. Here is a video with more details: Alma May 2023 Highlights: Overlap Analysis for Physical Titles


Update on discussion from last session regarding the Borrower Overdue Email Letter

The Borrower Overdue Email Letter should work with ISO partners, based on Ex Libris’ documentation:


Borrower Overdue Email Letter: Sent by the lending institution to the borrowing partner when a resource is overdue. When sent using ISO protocol, the request on the borrowing side is automatically marked as overdue.


Send Overdue Message to Resource Sharing Borrowing Partner: Labels lending requests as Overdue when a request’s due date arrives and the request's status is not one of the following: Deleted, Canceled, Rejected, Expired, Returned by Partner.

The job is working with Email, ISO, SLNP and NcipP2P partners. The job automatically issues notices to borrowing libraries when a lending request is marked as Overdue. When working with an ISO or ISO18626 partner, the job updates the borrowing institution with the request’s Overdue status.

If the partner has defined a "Resending Overdue Days Interval" in the Parameters tab, overdue messages will be resent every configured number of days (for the parameter, see ISO Parameters). If an active borrowing request cannot be found, the overdue message is only sent once, rather than each time the job runs.

Note: Resending Overdue Days Intervals are currently not specified in the parameters for Page 1+ partners.

The letter that is sent to the borrowing institution is the Borrower Overdue Email letter

There are other letters, such as the Borrower Receive Email Letter and the Borrower Return Email Letter, that only work with e-mail partners.

For more information about the job, see also: Draft Staff Workflow Instructions | Manage overdue and Lost items

Reactivating loans after they have been returned at the borrowing library

  1. Manually assign the request a different status:

    1. Select the request for which you would like to change the status from Returned Item to Partner status)

    2. Select the Change Status drop down menu, and then a reason from the drop down menu under Change Status > Select Change Status

    3. Change the status to Request Completed


Screenshot 2024-10-23 115137.png


  1. Refresh the page

  2. Once the status of the request has been changed to Request Completed, select Reactivate from the more options (…) menu for the request

  3. Select Reactivate




  1. Selecting Reactivate will cause a pop up to appear with options for how you want to revive the request. You will want to leave Reactivate Loan unchecked. Checking this will check out the item to the patron, but will not change the status to Loaned Item To Patron. You will want to leave Send General Message checked. This will send a General Message to the Lending library to notify them the request has been reactivated.

Draft Staff Workflow Instructions | Reactivating a request

Liana Giovando, OCLS - Resource Sharing Update

  • Analytics

    • working on developing analytics reports

    • starting with simple reports that can also help complete CLO Survey data - number of requests, number of requests filled/unfilled

    • working on creating canned reports that we can share with colleges to run in their IZs

    • also exploring additional data we might be able to get out of analytics - lending periods, number of renewals etc. to see if the policies we’ve decided on are good / how we might be able to look at the data and compare it to the decisions we’ve made to see if we need to make any changes

    • these more complicated reports we can run as needed, for different periods of time

  • Environmental Scan

    • sent out an individual note to colleges asking about your existing ILL partnerships with other schools

    • thank you to those who responded

    • please respond by October 30

    • will prepare a report to share in the beginning of November

    • we’ll try to meet with the Collaborative Futures operations directors again to share the data with them and keep moving forward on building partnerships with universities

    • this may take a bit longer than we were hoping

Rebecca Pearson, Lambton - DARA

  • frequently have 1 or 2 recommendations

  • sometimes get MD Import profile Rialto Ebook Central CZ Active notification that no records have been processed in the institution for a few days or that there was an error with that profile a couple of days in a row

  • do you get these recommendations and has anyone experimented with removing them? and does it just remove that one notification, will they come back a week later?

  • Danielle Emon, OCLS:

  • Rebecca: we don’t want to turn it off completely, want the other runs, just want to turn off notifications that say no records processed

  • Erin Williams, Fanshawe College: I don't have that exact one. Alyssa is starting to review our list of DARA recommendations at Fanshawe for cleanup though, so we are hoping to clear some of our notifications as well

  • does anyone else pay attention to those recommendations and enact them, or largely ignore them?

  • Brenda Desjardins, St. Lawrence College: I look at them and I have turned some off.
    Others I've tried to figure out, but I haven't completely figured it out yet.

Brenda - two Springer Nature journals; access to one is working but not the other

  • have a support ticket open with Ex Libris

  • the electronic collection for Springer Nature looks correct, the portfolios look identical, can’t figure out where the issue is

  • has anyone else had an issue with 2 journals from the same provider where 1 journal works and other doesn’t?

  • will send support ticket to the Help Desk

Danielle - CLO cataloguing session reminder

  • Hi Everyone,

    A reminder this Thursday, 11AM - 12PM will be a CCP session #8. Metadata Steering will give an update along with an introduction to the CLO Cataloguing Best Practices document with a specific focus on when to update an existing record vs. create a new record. Anyone can attend these sessions or view the recording with associated documentation shortly after.

    To attend and/or share with others download the .ics file from this series invite page. Please remove any pre-existing invites and download the new series.

    Hope to see you there.


    Dijana and Stacey

    CCP Session NEW! 2024-25 Series Invite - CLO Cataloguing Program - CLO Collaboration Space



  • anyone can attend and view the recordings

  • rolling out CLO cataloguing recommendations and will provide some useful guidelines







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