Study Group Session 96: General Question and Answer
Session Notes
Liana Giovando, OCLS: Resource Sharing Update
January check-in to address any questions around physical resource sharing
Digitization and Resource Sharing:
large number of folks volunteering from the Copyright Interest Group that will help us as we are providing instructions for setting up configurations that we are doing it wisely
the Copyright Interest Group has met once and we asked them to consider several questions
we will meet with them again the new year
January: testing digitization and digital resource sharing, allow the copyright interest group time to provide a response
configuration and sample workflow documentation posted but just for review/to start thinking about digitization, this will not be implemented in January
keep in mind that if enabled, could allow patrons to place digitization requests for an entire copy of a book
will be providing more guidance on copyright in the new year based on copyright interest group’s recommendations
Brenda Desjardins, St Lawrence: include Dom from St Lawrence in Page 1+ Study Group meetings
Liana: calendar invitation to the Page 1+ Study Group and the Page 1+ Discussion Forum can be accessed from:
Stacey: will update the invitation for the 2025 sessions
Stacey Boileau, OCLS: troubleshooting chat issue
Raghav and Dana both removed from the chat, can’t see or send messages in the chat because they are not members
OCAS thinks the issue is that the meetings are open and have suggested was admitting participants to the meeting separately.
However, this has not resolved the issue. In addition, this has been going on for at least a couple of months but we have been having these sessions for years. Has anyone experienced this earlier?
Rebecca Pearson, Lambton: Have never experienced being kicked out of a meeting, but only have access to the chat while present in the meeting. However, other people get to keep access to it and for other meetings, use the chat following the meeting. These are meetings that she has been invited to.
Danielle Emon, OCLS:
It seems that some organizational features are not available to personal or outside users Why are some features not available in chat in Microsoft Teams (free)? - Microsoft Support
Erin Williams, Fanshawe:
Two ideas: 1. sending out a new link for the meeting, could be recurring but a fresh link 2. are all of the colleges using Microsoft or are some Google based/other types of mail systems?
Rebecca: My college uses Microsoft.
Liana: could the difference be people who access the invite from the link vs people invited by Stacey
tested this and doesn’t seem to have made a difference
will see if updating the series changes things
will go back to OCAS and let them know that the issue has not been resolved
Liana: another option is to set up a single meeting instead of the series that people can join any time
Rebecca: if the meeting is not in my calendar, I don’t have time reserved to attend
Stacey: we’ll preserve the open invite series that happen on a regular schedule
Alyssa Kuehner, Fanshawe: about adding thumbnails to IZ and NZ records
have been using the 956 template to add thumbnails to IZ records, is this something I should also be applying to NZ records if I see there is a need, or should I not touch the NZ records?
post about this in CLO Cataloguing Program Q&A
brought this to metadata steering to explore further
first thought is that it needs to be an institutional thing, that NZ can’t be shared
Alyssa: will continue what I’m doing and wait for a response re NZ
Rebecca: have you tried making the field local?
did not touch NZ records at all
will test with one record maybe and then remove it
have been using local fields/the local fields guideline, just didn’t know it will apply to thumbnails as well
Dana O’Hagan, Niagara: Libapps and Primo VE
all of our Libguides are being brought over to primo for search capability
if you search libguides plural, none of the libguides show up
if you search libguide, they do show up but pulling old libguides that no longer exist
when you click to visit the libguide, get 404 error, doesn’t exist
what do you suggest I do in order to update these guides in Primo VE?
Lambton never brought in records for their libguides
on the Alma side, how are the records stored?
not sure, have not searched the records Alma side
only looked at the configuration
can point you to a resource created by Eva at Centennial:
search Repository metadata harvesting: Libguides and Springshare AtoZ database list
there is a step in there to delete the old set and import a new one
you might have just been importing new ones and not removing the old ones, so that’s a step you can add
there are no actual records in Alma to edit, it’s just harvesting that information
Erin: want to occasionally be able to loan to a staff member items from a collection that circulates only to students
looked at block preferences: Configuration > Fulfillment > Block Preferences
with override rules, it seems that if I want to make something that is not loanable overridable, it applies across the board - there is no way to do this for a specific collection/resource type/location
considering making it overridable by a manager
is there a way to make the block preferences apply to a specific location or fulfillment unit?
Dana: maybe you can create new terms of use and loan policy for staff, so that there is a policy for students and a policy for staff for that shelving location
I think that is what’s in place now, so that students can borrow and staff can’t.
I would like to be able to occasionally, for specific scenarios, override that but I can’t make the override specific to this collection, it applies across the board to any loan. I just don’t know if I have to open up everything to be overridable by a manager or if I can do it specifically for the one collection.
Danielle: I think you might be able to control that at the location level.
Rebecca: would also check if faculty are actually trying to borrow these resources outside of these specific circumstances
Erin: I will double check to see if we can open this to everyone or if I do need to continue looking into this