Study Group Session 95: General Question and Answer
Session Notes
Diana Borges, OCLS - Discussion forum posts since last session
Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) strike - Page 1+ Physical Resource Sharing:
instructions for making resource sharing library temporarily inactive
Instructions for Configuring Digitization for Local Requests and Sample Staff Workflow
documentation for local digitization and sample staff workflow posted for your review
Physical Inventory Operator role lost set access.
Physical Inventory Operator role lost the ability to create, add items to, and manage their sets. The temporary work-a-round is to give them the Cataloger role.
Algonquin and Humber have put in a tickets with Ex Libris about this issue
Alma Analytics Data Visualizations training webinar - documents
exercises from the webinar
Liana Giovando, OCLS: Resource Sharing Update
let us know if you have any questions about the local digitization documentation
RSWG co-chairs have been working on testing local digitization and digital resource sharing
we have reached out to copyright interest group to help us put together guidelines around copyright and licensing before you start engaging in any digital resource sharing
late winter/early spring will be sharing guidelines around copyright and then moving on sharing documentation for configuring digital resource sharing
implementation ideally in the spring but want to be careful around the risks and responsibilities around copyright so everyone is mitigating risk
Brenda Desjardins, St Lawrence: letters
Digitization Request and Hold Letters are not working today
Rebecca Pearson, Lambton:
this seems to be more of a system issue, as we have not made changes to letters besides the digitization letter as part of the digitization configurations and more than one letter is being affected
in the spring we had to add extra permissions to send out letters, because we had masked the email as a Lambton email, had to whitelist our own email
checked to see if any letters were not sent from Lambton
Danielle Emon, OCLS:
don’t think anything has changed in our fulfillment jobs
I also did not receive a request confirmation email, but I DID receive a request cancelation. Meaning that the failure to send is spotty. I also have been playing with our settings though... anyone else experiencing it?
letter for digitized documents is working
Louis Lacelle, La Cite: Alma all titles keyword search
should Alma pick up on some words in a search even if there is a spelling mistake in an All Titles keyword search in Alma?
behaving as expected - because it is an exact match search, all words need to find an exact match to get results
unless you use an OR, Alma will not pull results because there won’t be a match for the misspelled word
consider what is implied in and amongst your keywords when you are searching - in this case, have an AND implied in this search, rather than OR
Alma needs to find each of these words somewhere in the bibliographic record, or won’t find that exact combination
Rebecca: changing material types
has anyone successfully changed an item’s material type?
need to change the material type from book to realia/some form of equipment in Alma and Primo VE
does it all rely on the LDR first? if you change the LDR and save it, you can change what’s in the 008 field as well, but 007 doesn’t seem to have an effect
Melissa Forget, St Clair College:
have changed from online to print book
change LDR, 001
start with LDR because some of these things are a combination of LDR and 007/008
a classic example is if you start with LDR and then get into 007, what you choose for your 00 position has an impact on 001/007, but some displays are a combination of all of some of these or all of these options
material type: combination of LDR, 006, 007, 008
material type and resource type
Alma doesn’t make it easy for identifying equipment, so have to make decisions about whether you want to use realia or another option
the metadata standards are geared more towards content and types of resources that we use as opposed to physical equipment
use visual materials definition in 008 to specify realia?
we did 2 things when we set up equipment for another library:
used r for realia, that was as close as we could get
removed date field from 008 so there wasn’t a date that showed up in the Alma display
normalization rules that can be used:
rule "Change LDR 6 to r"
replaceControlContents "LDR.{6,1}" with "r"
rule "remove select 008 content"
removeControlField "008"
addControlField "008.######s||||####xx######r#####000#0#fre#d"
Brenda: Blocks in Alma
noticed that when Alma has an overdue item and it’s blocked, as soon as item changes to lost, it takes the block off
probably really literal, and looks for status overdue
never experienced this at Lambton because when lost, applies lost fee
also have block if anyone owes money
there is a table in Alma for setting patron loan limit based on patron types (Configuration > Fulfillment > Patron Configuration > Patron Limits)