2022-09-19 TCPR Meeting Minutes

2022-09-19 TCPR Meeting Minutes



  • Jane Burpee (Chair), Centennial

  • Alison Lake, Algonquin

  • Andriana Drakos, Mohawk

  • Natalie Colaiacovo, Centennial

  • Marnie Kursiss-Morrow, St. Clair

  • Alexandra Ross, Humber

  • Aura Hill, Project & Communications Administrator

  • Lauren Rupert, (Notetaker) Project Consultant

  • Liana Giovando, Project Manager


  • Jennifer Varcoe, Georgian

  • Matt Bohun, Niagara

  • Alexis Edl, Northern

  • Laura Patrie, Boréal

  • Sonam Dhargay, Sheridan

Land Acknowledgement

Read by: Jane Burpee, Centennial

Action Items


Discussion Items

Welcome, Andriana!

Welcome to the TCPR subcommittee, Andriana! We are thrilled to have you working with us!

ISC Update

Metadata and Cataloguing subcommittee - The Metadata and Cataloguing subcommittee is working on making the new CLO Metadata Standards, standards used to create quality MARC records in the consortium, for 24 different materials types public in a user-friendly LibGuide. This LibGuide is intended to make cataloguing easy for any level of catalogue - allowing even entry-level cataloguers to contribute quality and consistent records.
The Metadata and Cataloguing subcommittee is also working on producing shared workflows for importing records into institution zones under specific circumstances.
This subcommittee is also helping OCLS staff with creating templates within Alma - these templates will tell users what information is required and where the information goes.

e-Resrouces Subcommittee - The e-Resrouces subcommittee is wrapping up its work. They are currently helping OCLS to troubleshoot e-Resource access issues. Working on making guidelines for e-Resource management.
The e-Resrouces subcommittee may be absorbed into the pre-existing e-Resrouces committee. At present, they are comparing their terms of reference to see if the amalgamation would be the most beneficial course of action.

Systems, Analytics, and Data subcommittee - The SAD subcommittee are working on creating guidelines for the Alma Sandboxes - these guidelines will ensure that all 20 colleges can make use of the Sandboxes without interfering with other institutions' projects.
This subcommittee is also working on an analytics-specific project. The members of the subcommittee are looking at the best pre-existing reports available in Alma that can be used for fulfilling CLO Annual reports. They are also looking into which reports can be mortified to serve the same purpose. These reports will be put into a shared folder that colleges can use for their own data and reports. This is an ongoing project.

User Experience subcommittee - The User Experience subcommittee has passed a briefing note in regards to the recommendation of suppressing offensive Library of Congress terms in Alma and Primo VE. These recommendations are accompanied by a list of recommended terms from MAIN - these terms are not conclusive, nor are they considered more important than others. They were picked as a starting point and can be expanded on.

Updates on InsideOCULA Post

  • We are currently looking to write an article for the InsideOCULA blog/newsletter.

  • We want to submit a piece about the personal side of Page 1+, that is, the humanistic side of the project. Allowing a focus on the experiences of those involved in this process.

  • We will be putting a survey out to collect information and anecdotal evidence so that we can have information to include within the article. We are looking for participants to share stories and softer, non-fact-focused information.

  • If anyone is interested in participating in the writing of this article, please reach out to jburpee@centennialcollege.ca

Governance Discussion

  • It is the general consensus of this subcommittee that we have exceeded our initial terms of reference and have done an overall exceptional job in completing our tasks.

  • Do we (the subcommittee members) feel as though this subcommittee is still needed

    • Not really - we have fulfilled our terms of use, and we can begin to wind down this subcommittee.

    • We will need to continue to make tools available for colleges - but it is up to other individuals to implement the tools for their audience.

    • We will need to continue to keep things updated - namely the LibGuide and media promotions, we will need a specified channel or set of guidelines to use

  • Next steps:

    • Establish a firm governance module for going forward.

    • Find a communications channel to keep materials maintained and up to date - LibGuide, learning materials, Page 1+ marketing, etc.


Great job to everyone involved! You did it! This was our last subcommittee meeting!
You should all be proud and excited about everything that you have accomplished here.

Any other business



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