2022-02-18 TCPR Meeting Minutes

2022-02-18 TCPR Meeting Minutes


  1. Alexis Edl, Northern

  2. Alison Lake, Algonquin

  3. Marnie Kursiss-Morrow, St. Clair

  4. Natalie Colaiacovo, Centennial

  5. Rebecca LaFrance, OCLS

  6. Aura Hill, (Notetaker) Project & Communications Administrator

  7. Liana Giovando, Project Manager

Special Guests from Aubs & Mugg:

  • Julie Aubie

  • Matt Aubie

  • Matt Bandstra


  1. Laura Patrie, Boréal

  2. Jane Burpee (Chair), Centennial

  3. Alexandra Ross, Humber

  4. Jennifer Varcoe, Georgian

  5. Sonam Dhargay, Sheridan

Land Acknowledgement

Native-Land.ca | Our home on native land

Invited to read: Liana

Action Items

Consider purpose and possible re-design of https://clo-collaboration-spaces.atlassian.net/l/c/GXhhLNd1 page in terms of information needed from colleges
Everyone to complete Survey for the TCPR Subcommittee for thoughts on brand principles by Feb. 22 end of day: https://brand-development.typeform.com/to/o87Cumee

Discussion Items

CLSP Updates

  • Report on activities of the ISC and other Subcommittees

    • Will be a standing agenda item going forward

  • OCLS Service Proposals

    • OCLS will be coming up with service proposals that reflect new/changed OCLS services due to Alma implementation. These will be subject to change. They will be brought to the appropriate subcommittees for feedback.


Research Presentation (Julie & Matt from Aubs & Mugg)

  • Lots of research conducted, some still ongoing related to faculty and students

    • Brand is a story, brand designers are translators of meaning and intent of the story

    • Comparative analysis - wide lens that covers consumer to academic

      • Consumer very colourful, visible, loud whereas academic are lighter, more muted,

      • The fonts move from sans serif (modern) to serif (Omni, ProQuest - more classic, traditional)

      • Google vs JSTOR

      • Presentation of academic focused websites , don’t have same appetite for enjoyable consumption of design

      • Focus on quality content - design should not distract from content

      • Wikipedia - “Intentionally undesigned” - relying on reputation as design is somewhat basic/aged

      • Netflix - house a lot of content that isn’t all Netflix, good example at creating neutral brand base

      • TPL - public library - balanced approach

      • Introduction to 3 brand principles - all equally important, an internal tool

      • Recording:

  • ACTION ITEM: Survey for the TCPR Subcommittee for thoughts on brand principles: https://brand-development.typeform.com/to/o87Cumee

    • Feedback due by end of day Tuesday, Feb. 22

  • Next steps:

    • Continue the research

    • Hear the feedback and work into the brand principles, they are not final

    • Work towards naming concepts

  • Branding Working Group will be meeting separately

  • If you want to join the branding group, please let Liana know.

Training Updates

  • iSchool Student Practicum AND Seneca LIT Student placements filled! (Liana)

  • Jessie has joined us from the iSchool at U of T and will be part of the Training Working Group.

  • Training Working Group Update - working on training material

  • If you want to join the training group, please let Liana know.

Meeting Schedule

  • Subcommittee and working groups schedules (Aura)

  • TCPR subcommittee will be held once a month. Aura will send out invite for Mondays based on Doodle poll.