2021-11-12 TCPR Meeting Minutes


  1. Anabella Arcaya, Algonquin

  2. Marnie Kursiss-Morrow, St. Clair

  3. Jane Burpee (Chair), Centennial

  4. Natalie Colaiacovo, Centennial

  5. Jennifer Varcoe, Georgian

  6. Alexandra Ross, Humber College

  7. Sonam Dhargay, Sheridan

  8. Rebecca LaFrance, OCLS

  9. Aura Hill, (Notetaker) Project & Communications Administrator

  10. Liana Giovando, Project Manager


  1. Laura Patrie, Boréal

  2. Alexis Edl, Northern

Land Acknowledgement

Native-Land.ca | Our home on native land

Invited to read: Alexandra Ross, Humber College

Action Items

@Aura Hill to add Communication Activities Working Session to build out comms activities to next meeting agenda. Everyone to review and think about communication needs & activities
@Alexandra Ross@Jane Burpee to develop briefing note for ISC to explain the rationale and benefits.
@Marnie Kursiss-Morrow@Jennifer Varcoe@Aura Hill@Jane Burpee to propose a more detailed plan for holiday party (Friday Dec 17 - Holiday party - Kahoots! @ 10 am)

Discussion Items

Action Items from Previous Meeting

  • College’s Communications Schedule action item is tabled until to New Year. In the meantime, explore different communication channels at your colleges

  • If you notice communication channels/tools where you may/will talk about new library system, please list on https://clo-collaboration-spaces.atlassian.net/l/c/GXhhLNd1 page.

  • Rebecca confirmed OCLS does not need to track training.

  • Anabella will work on an image and send to Rebecca for OCLS Newsletter

  • Jane emailed about CLO website about where to put LibGuide and will share response.

  • Communication activities restructured as per discussion in last meeting.

    • ACTION ITEM: Aura to add Communication Activities Working Session to build out comms activities to next meeting agenda.


  • LibGuide Update

    • Anabella looked at CLO LibGuide, but she thinks we need a separate LibGuide for staff training. A small working group of Natalie, Liana and Anabella will be set up to decide on structure, tabs, etc. Everyone share training materials

    • Liana summarizes the training Ex Libris will provide. They have a train-the-trainer approach and a lot of training material online. Training to implementation staff will be provided in weekly meetings & at Alma Workshop (which other staff may attend).

    • The subcommittee will need to capture this material and make it accessible for trainees of the trainers. The LibGuide can be a reference and Anabella suggests using tip sheets as well.

    • It’s important to keep in mind that colleges will customize Alma/Primo and this may impact training.

  • Study Groups Update

    • They have been going well. Ideally, it would be good to have “tutors” attend, people who are familiar/have deeper understanding of the topic. Maybe later on, representatives from Seneca or Loyalist could be invited as tutors since they already implemented Alma.


  • The Branding Survey/Project Update has the support of the ISC to potentially engage a branding marketing company. However, a briefing note will need to be provided for documentation. As well, The subcommittee will need to develop a marketing brief for potential vendors to get quotes.


  • Communication Plan Activities section

    • Put as first item for next agenda

    • Subcommittee members should review existing communications needs and identify if there are others. Also consider what communication activities would support those communication needs.

  • Subcommittee Terms of Reference (Aura/Liana)

    • The Terms of Reference were edited to be standardized with other subcommittees and administration sections were added for consistency. It was reviewed by the subcommittee and approved with a few minor edits.

  • Celebrating the work that has been done.

    • Suggestions offered were party, Alma trivia night, holiday party with prizes

    • Established Friday Dec 17 - Holiday party - Kahoots! @ 10 am

    • ACTION ITEM: Marnie, Aura, Jennifer, Jane to propose a more detailed plan for Holiday Party


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