2021-10-01 TCPR Notes

2021-10-01 TCPR Notes


  • Anabella Arcaya, Algonquin

  • Marnie Kursiss-Morrow, St. Clair

  • Jane Burpee (Chair), Centennial

  • Natalie Colaiacovo, Centennial

  • Alexandra Ross, Humber College

  • Jennifer Varcoe, Georgian

  • Alexis Edl, Northern

  • Rebecca LaFrance, OCLS

  • Aura Hill, (Notetaker) OCLS

  • Liana Giovando, CLSP Implementation Project Manager, On behalf of the College Libraries Ontario (CLO) & the Ontario Colleges Library Service (OCLS)


  • Laura Patrie, Boréal, Sonam Dhargay, Sheridan

Discussion Items




Discussion Items




Land Acknowledgement

Native-Land.ca | Our home on native land

Invited to read:

  • Marnie Kursiss-Morrow, St. Clair



The next reader:

  • Natalie Colaiacovo, Centennial

Approval of the Agenda

@Aura Hill notetaker



Meeting availability and frequency

@Jane Burpee

Thank you for completing the doodle to set the fall dates of our CLO CLSP TCPR Subcommittee meetings.  

  •  Friday Oct 1st                 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm (TODAY)

  • Thursday Oct 14th        Noon - 1:30 pm (NEXT)

  • Friday Oct 29th              9:30 am - 11:00 am

  • Friday Nov 12th             1:00 pm - 2:30 pm

  • Thursday Nov 25th       1:00 pm - 2:30 pm

  • Friday Dec 10th                   1:00 pm - 2:30 pm

 I have closed the doodle and invited members to  zoom meetings


Review Action Items from previous meeting

3. Training

@Jane Burpee to email all college liaisons & OCLS to add individuals that have/will get Alma certification to the Individuals with Alma Certifications List
@Jane Burpee to add OCLS to table and add Status column to indicate Planned - Started - Completed
@Anabella Arcaya (Unlicensed)@Alexis Edlto review guides from 3 examples and see what would work - UPDATE DEFERRED TO OCT 14th MEETING
@Jane Burpee to take proposal to contact college liaisons to ISC at next meeting
ALL to explore training already in existence in Ex Libris Knowledge Centre & BaseCamp
@Rebecca LaFrance (Unlicensed) Work on plan for tracking spreadsheet - IN THE WORKS
  • Jane sent out email to all college liaisons to add info about Alma certifications.

  • Jane received a proposed email to CLO18 Directors from John Ellis of the Systems Sub-committee that they will recommend that all colleges have at least 1 staff member certified in Alma & Primo. The draft is currently on hold and will be sent out if needed, as it’s not a priority during onboarding.

  • See draft email below:

Hello everyone,

 We would like to recommend all colleges participating in the Ex Libris Alma Implementation have at least one staff member certified in Alma and Primo VE.

For small colleges, OCLS can act as the certified administrator if staff are not able to be certified.

 For certification information, see Alma Administration Certification Program and Primo Administration Certification Program.

 When you have Alma/Primo training planned or have completed the training, please update the Individuals with Alma Certification table in Confluence.


  1. Make sure you are logged into Confluence.

  2. Go to the  Individuals with Alma Certification page.

  3. Click on the pencil icon to edit the page.

  4. Go to the row for your college and enter the following:

  5. Type of certification: Alma or Primo or both

  6. Status of training: Planned/started/complete

  7. Name

  8. Email address

 For assistance with Confluence, contact ahill@ocls.ca.

 Best regards,



Specific topics for discussion




1. Communication

25 minutes

Communication Plan


  • @Aura Hill to walk through new TCPR communication plan

  • Discussion around the stakeholder groups in terms of if college leadership should be included - wording may need to be refined or potentially remove this category

  • Capture that colleges will need to tailor/adapt communications based on their needs

  • Add post Go-LIVE column for communication activities

  • For additional questions/concerns, please email ahill@ocls.ca.

  • There is not really a soft launch for the implementation that is public facing. Cutover is the closest thing to a soft launch.



@Aura Hill update communications plan as per notes
ALL: consider what activities should be added in different phases of implementation



ACTION ITEM FROM ISC: TCPR Sub-committee to consider how to best establish regular communication to CLO18 about decisions made by ISC, outcome of briefing notes process, etc. (This will be done by the PMO)
ACTION ITEM FROM Systems Sub-committee: John to ask Jane Burpee and the communications subcommittee whether they have planned to set up a listserv for all CLSP members post implementation.

John’s subcommittee members are hoping a listserv could be created for the CLO18 to continue discussion post-go live. As well, what will be the outcome of the other listservs currently in place such as SIRSI, etc.? Will they change?

  • Yes, sub-committee will work with OCLS replace old/create new listserv for post-implementation


@Aura Hill Aura add to Communication Plan under Communication Activities
@Jane Burpee notify ISC

2. PR

20 minutes

Our role:

  1. To develop a timeline for the delivery of key marketing and public relations initiatives;

  2. To provide marketing and public relations materials and templates to CLO18 that will empower each college to promote the CLSP within their own institutions;

  3. To brand the CLSP Collaborative Space (confluence or what?)

  4. OLA submission “The Branding Blitz”

Other brand names:

  • Quebec Unis: Sofia

  • OCUL Unis: OMNI

  • CUNY: OneSearch

  • Harvard: Hollis

  • University of California: UC Library Search (replacing Melvyl)

TCPR vs PMO Role Overview to define roles and responsibilities

  • Communications/PR not as many activities during implementation, except for determining if common brand will be developed

  • More activities at Go-Live and post Go live

OLA Conference - Branding Session

  • Branding initiative - proposal for OLA conference to submit suggestions for brand names, all ideas would be voted on via tournament style, best 2 ideas. Game style, fun activity

Branding - Key Priority

  • Determine if colleges want a centralized brand/name for system (e.g. OCUL uses OMNI)

  • Consider individual college branding guidelines


@Marnie Kursiss-Morrow, @Jane Burpee
@Alexandra Ross

Survey for CLO18:

  • Provide examples of libraries with centralized branding

  • Would you want this centralized branding for the new system?

  • What are disadvantages/ advantages?

3. Training

20 minutes

  1. Our role:

    1. Supporting completion of training

    2. Raise awareness

    3. Maintains an online training calendar, and

    4. Supports the delivery of training and reporting.

      1. Tracking Individuals who are trained/ certified?

  2. See these Alma training committee example pages:

3. Proposal for tracking training - Create one page for each college on Confluence with all training activities that library can add check marks to when training has been completed. For example: Onboarding Training and Learning - Symphony Colleges

4. Proposal for Study Groups!! - Create a calendar of training activities that we should be keeping up with and schedule regular study groups to either complete activities or use for Q&A to help each other.


  • Liana developed Training Tracker page in Confluence per college

    • Simple, easy to manage

    • Can be individualized if needed but would involve creation of many pages

    • Meeting current need of people involved in implementation to track what training they need to do by when

  • Rebecca has worked on Excel option per college for all individuals

    • can capture all staff with customized lists based on their responsibilities

    • may be better suited for external stakeholder group where training requirements need to be customized

    • allows for reporting

  • Still need to determine how to best track training


@Aura Hill Add to next meeting agenda for further discussion on tracking methods

Any other Business? (AoB)


Alexis: Training Guide reviews



@Aura Hill Add to next meeting agenda

Next Meeting



Thursday Oct 14th       

Noon - 1:30 pm


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