2021-11-25 TCPR Meeting Agenda


  1. Alexis Edl, Northern

  2. Marnie Kursiss-Morrow, St. Clair

  3. Jane Burpee (Chair), Centennial

  4. Natalie Colaiacovo, Centennial

  5. Jennifer Varcoe, Georgian

  6. Alexandra Ross, Humber College

  7. Sonam Dhargay, Sheridan

  8. Rebecca LaFrance, OCLS

  9. Aura Hill, (Notetaker) Project & Communications Administrator

  10. Liana Giovando, Project Manager


  1. Laura Patrie, Boréal

  2. Anabella Arcaya, Algonquin

Land Acknowledgement


Invited to read: Sonam Dhargay

Action Items from Previous Meeting

Everyone: If you notice communication channels/tools where you may/will talk about new library system, please list on https://clo-collaboration-spaces.atlassian.net/l/c/GXhhLNd1 page.
@Aura Hill to add Communication Activities Working Session to build out comms activities to next meeting agenda. Everyone to review and think about communication needs & activities
@Alexandra Ross@Jane Burpee to develop briefing note for ISC to explain the rationale and benefits.
@Marnie Kursiss-Morrow@Jennifer Varcoe@Aura Hill@Jane Burpee to propose a more detailed plan for holiday party (Friday Dec 17 - Holiday party - Kahoots! @ 10 am)

Discussion Items



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