2022-07-18 TCPR Meeting Minutes

2022-07-18 TCPR Meeting Minutes



  1. Alexis Edl, Northern

  2. Alison Lake, Algonquin

  3. Natalie Colaiacovo, Centennial

  4. Alexandra Ross, Humber

  5. Jennifer Varcoe, Georgian

  6. Matt Bohun, Niagara

  7. Aura Hill, Project & Communications Administrator

  8. Lauren Rupert, (Notetaker) Project Consultant

  9. Liana Giovando, Project Manager


  1. Jane Burpee (Chair), Centennial

  2. Sonam Dhargay, Sheridan

  3. Marnie Kursiss-Morrow, St. Clair

  4. Laura Patrie, Boréal

Land Acknowledgement

Read by: Natalie Colaiacovo, Centennial

Action Items

@Lauren Rupert to add Quick Reference Guide Templates to the LibGuide when completed by @Aura Hill
@PMO to decide on the next steps of the “Footer Project”

Discussion Items

Page 1+ Updates


  • Niagara and Mohawk are having their first onboarding session with Ex-Libris tomorrow.

  • The Network Zone (NZ) has been released, and information has been approved by OCLS. OSCL will be adding further information.

  • This committee requests you DO NOT make any changes to your information BEFORE you have accepted your data

  • Please Note: There are still many efforts present - OCLS is working to fix these as they update Customer Peramiters and links.

  • The ISC is pleased to report everything is on track right now

Metadata and Cataloguing

  • MET/CAT continues to work on creating guidelines for linking IZ and NZ records

  • This committee is looking into a cataloging tool (similar to OCLC’s “Connection”) - to procure reliable and detailed MARC records for the IZ


  • No updates of note - have not met in a while

Systems, Analytics and Data

  • SAD is continuing to work on Analytics - specifically compiling currently used reports and matching them to ALMA’s specific analytics


  • Still trying to finalize the last bit of the briefing note on language impression in Primo VE

  • Reviewing a resource sharing briefing note that OCLS is bringing forward - OCLS and college responsibility

Training Updates

Promoting Page 1+ LibGuide (Jane - Presented by Liana)

  • We have provided another reminder about emailing faculty and students about Page1+ updates and promotions

  • Currently, there is a schedule referring to when communications should be released, it includes templates for these releases. Please refer to the Communications portion of the LibGuide.

Quick Reference Guide Template Request (Aura)

  • A request for a set of quick reference guide templates to be provided which would be customizable and printable guides to laminate. These guides could be left at circulation desks for easy reference.

  • There was a presentation of some of the guide sheets and an explanation of how they can be customized for the colleges

  • ACTION ITEM: @Lauren Rupert to add Quick Reference Guide Templates to the LibGuide when completed by @Aura Hill

Any other business

The Footer Project

  • While colleges have been customizing their Primo Headers in Primo sizing issues were discovered (which are being remedied). In addition, during the customization phase, some colleges have been editing the footer portion of their Primo page as well. However, to achieve this, there is quite a bit of coding/CSS work that needs to be done to make it work.

  • There is the ambition that a “recommended template” or set of “guidelines” can be created by a working group that can be used by other colleges looking to customize their footers. This is so colleges that may not have staff with CSS/HTML skills can still make customizations.

  • Currently: Looking for an individual to lead this working group - they do not have to have HTML/CSS skills. They just need to keep the group organized.

  • This project is not scheduled to take place before Go-Live and can be afforded a flexible timeframe.

  • PMO to deal with these first stages - will begin by reaching out to individuals that Eva has already mentioned as capable and/or interested in the project

Splash Page

  • Currently, a “Splash Page” is being created to accompany the launch of Page 1+. This page will include basic information about the project, its goals and participants.