2021-10-14 TCPR Minutes

2021-10-14 TCPR Minutes


  1. Anabella Arcaya, Algonquin

  2. Marnie Kursiss-Morrow, St. Clair

  3. Jane Burpee (Chair), Centennial

  4. Natalie Colaiacovo, Centennial

  5. Jennifer Varcoe, Georgian

  6. Alexandra Ross, Humber College

  7. Alexis Edl, Northern

  8. Sonam Dhargay, Sheridan

  9. Rebecca LaFrance, OCLS

  10. Aura Hill, (Notetaker) Project & Communications Administrator

  11. Liana Giovando, Project Manager


  1. Laura Patrie, Boréal

Land Acknowledgement

Native-Land.ca | Our home on native land

Invited to read: Natalie Colaiacovo, Centennial College

Action Items

@Jane Burpee notify ISC about decision on listservs
@Rebecca LaFrance (Unlicensed)@Anabella Arcaya (Unlicensed) to investigate if an add-in for Confluence that would push data to a spreadsheet/form for tracking training
@Liana Giovando@Aura Hill to create and publish training checklist form
@Anabella Arcaya (Unlicensed) to explore potential sections/tabs be in the LibGuide, including Community of Practice
@Natalie Colaiacovo@Anabella Arcaya (Unlicensed)@Liana Giovando to make Study Group plan
@Aura Hill to adjust stakeholder section of Communication Plan as per feedback
Everyone think about potential communications activities; feel free to add in Confluence in TCPR Communications Plan
Everyone gathers information about your college’s communication schedule, considerations for timelines
@Natalie Colaiacovo@Jane Burpee to draft article on implementation project, @Alexandra Ross to edit
@Liana Giovando to provide promotional material to article writers for background

Discussion Items


  • Training Tracking Options - Confluence page, Excel Spreadsheet

    • Training Guide Reviews

  • Looked at Onboarding Training pages, which are meant to capture training activities in a simple table

    • Not for tracking or recording completion

    • Built for library staff working on implementation

  • Still a need to track training for non-implementation library staff, especially for OCLS

  • ACTION ITEM: Rebecca and Anabella to investigate if there is a Confluence add-in that would push data to a spreadsheet/form for tracking training

  • If we communicate that training tracking is shifting to Confluence, need to refer to tracking in Basecamp (putting a comment with DONE on training activity) and that it’s moving to Confluence.

  • Consider timing in terms of very busy implementation activities to ask individuals to do work of tracking

  • DECISION: Create a downloadable training checklist form for implementation library staff to go on Onboarding Training page that individuals can use if they wish

    • ACTION ITEM: Liana and Aura to create and publish training checklist form

  • Building Training Guide for non-implementation staff

    • Questions to consider:

      • What is training Ex Libris gives us?

      • Do we need to/how can we customize this training for our community?

    • Alexis and Annabelle recommend training guide example from City University of New York as best option - links all work, had extra training modules and exercises

    • Option to move CUNY content to Confluence

    • Annabelle recommends creating a LibGuide:

      • Benefits are other libraries can reuse, LibGuides will remain longer than Confluence, could contain an excel

      • DECISION: Create a LibGuide for training for non-implementation library staff

      • ACTION ITEM: Annabella to explore potential sections/tabs be in the LibGuide, including Community of Practice.

  • Study Groups

    • Informal, drop-in, online session based on a topic, e.g., work through a tutorial together online

    • ACTION ITEM: Natalie, Annabella, Liana to make Study group plan


  • Branding applies to Primo only

  • Also consider the name if we want to change to CLSP to something else

  • Branding Plan, Survey

    • Had first meeting

    • Alexandra working on questionnaire, Jane to do cover letter, Marnie researching branding for askON

    • Jane researching branding of OMNI for OCUL

    • Planning to send out survey in December

  • OLA presentation - session proposal will be decided tomorrow

  • Promotional activities [deferred to 2022]


  • Review some of the TCPR Communication plan specifics - External communications

    • ACTION ITEM: Aura to adjust stakeholder section to label with TCPR/PMO as per feedback

    • ACTION ITEM: Everyone think about potential communications activities; feel free to add in Confluence in TCPR Communications Plan

    • ACTION ITEM: Everyone gathers information about your college’s communication schedule, considerations for timelines

  • Article for OCLS Newsletter (via Rebecca)

    • ACTION ITEM: Natalie and Jane to draft article on implementation project, Alexandra to edit

    • ACTION ITEM: Liana to provide promotional material to them for background


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