2022-03-21 TCPR Meeting Minutes

2022-03-21 TCPR Meeting Minutes


  1. Alexis Edl, Northern

  2. Alison Lake, Algonquin

  3. Marnie Kursiss-Morrow, St. Clair

  4. Natalie Colaiacovo, Centennial

  5. Jane Burpee (Chair), Centennial

  6. Jennifer Varcoe, Georgian

  7. Alexandra Ross, Humber

  8. Sonam Dhargay, Sheridan

  9. Rebecca LaFrance, OCLS

  10. Aura Hill, (Notetaker) Project & Communications Administrator

  11. Liana Giovando, Project Manager

Special Guests

  1. Julie Aubie, Aubs & Mugg

  2. Matt Aubie, Aubs & Mugg

  3. Matt Bandstra, Aubs & Mugg

  4. Katherine Marceau, La Cite


  1. Laura Patrie, Boréal

Land Acknowledgement

Invited to read: Jane

Action Items

Consider purpose and possible re-design of https://clo-collaboration-spaces.atlassian.net/l/c/GXhhLNd1 page in terms of information needed from colleges

Discussion Items

Aubs & Mugg Presentation

Internal research - 21 respondents

  • 6/21 liked Liaison, 8/21 felt it could be confusing

  • 11/21 felt Palette did not have a strong connection to the library space

  • 10/21 liked Collection (5 because of simplicity); 10/21 felt Collection could be confusing because of its existing library context

  • 12/21 liked Constellation’s connection to collaboration; 7 felt “Constellation” is too long

  • Collon too similar to Colon

Public Feedback - 25 Canadian college students

  • 12 chose Constellation

  • 7 chose Collection

  • 2 chose Liaison

  • 2 chose Palette

  • 2 chose none of the options


  • “romantic” name vs practical name

  • Respondents looking to ensure the name does not compete/conflict with existing terminology or brands within library

  • External respondents did not speak to name length or spelling at all

New Name Options

  • Notable - noteworthy, use of “able” has implication of capable

  • Point - act of finding and pieces , making an important point, very clean

  • Libra - like constellation, balance, nod to EDI, first 5 letters of library

  • Concert - “in concert” means collaborative; joy and fun, but changing meaning

  • O - human moment of discovery (O!)/curiosity (O?), Ontario colleges, unique to Ontario;- re-contextualizing a sound to a name


Marnie: Likes balance electronic/paper of Libra, loves O for simplicity, feels

Natalie: still likes collection, idea of O is interesting but may make students think of another reference.

Alexandra: Likes Notable - creditability and worthiness and Libra for play on library, likes O visually and thinks of Omega

Katherine: Likes the options, thinks concert speaks to her less, O was name of repository for college before they went to the cloud - O could merge well with others (e.g. ConcertO). Worried that Libra doesn't speak as much to francophone student since library is bibliothèque in French.

Jane: Notable and point work especially well in French.

Alexis: Would pick Libra, as it closest to Constellation which she liked; but doesn’t like O as it doesn’t have any story - would prefer a word not a letter; concert doesn’t really fit the tool.

Sonam: Libra immediately strikes as something to do with the library world. 

Rebecca: For students that are new to college, it may be good to have something that it searchable and produce a good hit like Libra, but something like concert or o, might generate many hits.

Jennifer: Not all info in library is notable (e.g. Toronto Sun), could set up wrong expectations; thinking about it from instruction point of view. Explain search toole as google for our library, with limitations.

Feedback Survey

Please complete CLSP Brand Feedback Form (even if you gave feedback in the session).

French version of survey: https://brand-development.typeform.com/to/zK7RcUn8

Training Updates

  • Training Working Group Update (Natalie/Allison/Alexis)

    • Creating a LibGuide for training library staff not involved with implementation

    • Have help from 1 U of T student and 2 Seneca students for research and building LibGuide

    • Planning to launch a basic LibGuide next week and an expanded version later on

    • Initial guide will include basic information about Alma and Primo, as well as a table that includes common tasks as they appear in Sirsi with new reference to Alma and then links for training information.

    • Looking for help with creating similar table for Mandarin, Evergreen and Centriva

    • It is noted that Centriva tasks would be difficult to translate to Alma and this may not be possible in this case.


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