2022-06-20 TCPR Meeting Minutes

2022-06-20 TCPR Meeting Minutes


  1. Alexis Edl, Northern

  2. Alison Lake, Algonquin

  3. Marnie Kursiss-Morrow, St. Clair

  4. Natalie Colaiacovo, Centennial

  5. Jane Burpee (Chair), Centennial

  6. Alexandra Ross, Humber

  7. Sonam Dhargay, Sheridan

  8. Jennifer Varcoe, Georgian

  9. Matt Bohun, Niagara

  10. Aura Hill, (Notetaker) Project & Communications Administrator

  11. Lauren Rupert, (Guest) Project Consultant

  12. Liana Giovando, Project Manager


  1. Laura Patrie, Boréal

Land Acknowledgement

Invited to read: Marnie Kursiss-Morrow

Action Items

Everyone to bring the idea of the Footer working group back to your institution to see if you have qualified personnel who can volunteer on the project.
Someone to volunteer to manage the Footer working group - namely to keep the work flowing and the group on track - this person does not necessarily need coding skills.

Discussion Items

Page 1+ Updates

ISC - The ISC is currently working on creating a governance system for Page 1+ post Go Live. In essence, the committee is establishing which subcommittees should remain, if new subcommittees will need to be created and what the subcommittee's functions will be. Currently, members of CLO are involved in these conversations.

Metadata and Cataloguing - Met/Cat continues to work on the bibliographic standards for colleges to use. They have established that there will no longer be “minimum” standards to follow - instead, they are providing “required” and “recommended” standards.

E-Resources - The E-Resources subcommittee is working closely with OCLS to troubleshoot e-resources. They are examining activations and e-resources that have not been activated as well as resolving linking issues. In addition, E-Resources has produced a guide for all colleges to use when testing their e-resources - it involves how to test, who to log errors and how to resolve specific errors (https://clo-collaboration-spaces.atlassian.net/l/c/P4UpgoR0 ). Currently, the E-Resources subcommittee is working on getting more acquisition training from Ex Libris.

Systems, Analytics and Data - Currently, SAD is collecting examples of reports people run in their current ILS in a shared reports table. The subcommittee intends to recreate these reports using provided report templates in ALMA analytics. The subcommittee seeks to synchronize and centralize the data collected - in order to make the reporting process a more seamless automated process. These reports would be imported into the IZ, would populate automatedly and return all relevant information. The subcommittee hopes to make the creation and submission of annual CLO reports easier with this process.

User Experience - The UX subcommittee is continuing to work on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion discussions. Their Briefing Note has been approved: https://clo-collaboration-spaces.atlassian.net/l/c/xUceFffG While EDI statements are not mandatory they do encourage each of the colleges to create an EDI statement or use the one they have provided. There are ongoing discussions about the suppression of Library of Congress Subject Headings - who should be allowed to make those decisions and which terms should be suppressed are at the fore of the conversation. Currently, we know how to review and update those terms once decided, how to communicate the suppression, where the suppressed terms list will live and how to suppress terms at the ALMA level. UX is also discussing types of resource sharing (physical items not digital), there is already a model decided upon for Go Live any changes will happen post Go Live.


Brand Guidelines & Logo Placement (Aura)

  • Aura has reached out to Aubs&Mugg about your branding questions: how the branding materials can be used, how the branding materials can be changed, where the branding materials can be placed, etc. Aubs&Mugg will be sending an updated guidelines document addressing these questions. Aubs&Mugg will be attending the Study Group session this week (Wednesday, June 22nd), you will be able to ask questions to them directly at this time.

Update on Available Branding for Colleges through the LibGuide (Lauren)

  • Both College Specific and Generic branding have been uploaded to the LibGuide for your use. It can be found in the Marketing section of the LibGuide under the heading “Branding”.

  • We do request that you read the Branding Guidelines posted on the LibGuide BEFORE you begin using the materials we have provided - the updated Branding Guidelines are in the works.

Future Template for Primo (Aura)

  • There is the possibility that the logos will be placed in the footer from now on. However, this option is a little more complex than others, as it requires actual coding to take place instead of a simple image import.

  • This will NOT be taking place before Go Live.

  • This will not be mandatory - as always institutions have the right to choose what is best for them.

  • Suggestion for a working group to be created to construct a Primo template for those colleges that do not have the technical or coding capacity to use. The template would allow colleges to simply add their logo file and have it appear in the footer.

  • ACTION ITEM: Everyone to bring the idea of the working group back to your institution to see if you have qualified personnel who can volunteer on the project.

  • ACTION ITEM: Someone to volunteer to manage the working group - namely to keep the work flowing and the group on track, does not necessarily need coding skills.


Launch Communications Plan (Aura)

  • An update was provided to College directors and liaisons on Friday. This update can be found in the LibGuide in the Marketing section under Communications.

  • The Communications Plan involves: the launch plan (organized by phase), examples fo draft communications provided by Aubs&Mugg (both in French and English), and information on who is responsible for communicating which pieces of information.

  • Currently, only Phase 1 is populated, the other Phases will be populated as we gain information and they become applicable.

  • A reminder: while many aspects of this project are flexible the launch date is not.

Training Expectations and Plans for Colleges (Jane)

  • Everyone is encouraged to share their work! Anything that you have been creating please share to the LibGuide so everyone has access to those resources.

  • Cambrian and Humber are currently partnering to make a one-minute overview video explaining Page 1+ - this could be beneficial to all colleges.

  • We will not be providing training to library staff. College libraries are expected to use the LibGuide materials to create their own customized training materials.

  • There will be a special Study Group for training on the 29th of June.

Training Updates

Promoting Page 1+ LibGuide (Jane)

  • Deferred

Quick Reference Guide Template Request (Aura)

  • A request has been made for physical references that can be printed, laminated and left at reference desks for quick library staff reference use. These would be small and simple pieces that could be customized.

Any other business


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