2022-01-19 TCPR Meeting Minutes
Alexis Edl, Northern
Alison Lake, Algonquin
Marnie Kursiss-Morrow, St. Clair
Jane Burpee (Chair), Centennial
Natalie Colaiacovo, Centennial
Alexandra Ross, Humber
Rebecca LaFrance, OCLS
Aura Hill, (Notetaker) Project & Communications Administrator
Liana Giovando, Project Manager
Laura Patrie, Boréal
Jennifer Varcoe, Georgian
Sonam Dhargay, Sheridan
Land Acknowledgement
Invited to read: Aura Hill
Action Items
Discussion Items
The purpose of the table was to figure out what are the communication channels are for each college, but it was also used to capture communications that were already planned with certain colleges.
There is a need to determine exactly what information needs to captured and how the information will be used (e.g., do we need publication dates for newsletters do we need to know each type of social media the college has?, etc.).
Marnie recommends considering setting up communications like the The Learning Portal to address common channels for the colleges without collecting information from colleges. Learning Portal Project - Communications
Jane moves to table this item for now as it will probably be impacted by hiring of branding consultant.
ACTION ITEM: Everyone to consider purpose and possible re-design of https://clo-collaboration-spaces.atlassian.net/l/c/GXhhLNd1 page in terms of information needed from colleges
Branding Update - Jane & Alexandra
The Branding working group reviewed several proposals by branding consultants and has chosen a final candidate pending contract negotiations. They will provide a name, logo, branding guidelines, communication plan, templates and ambassador training. The role of the TCPR will be to work with the branding consultants to successfully execute their deliverables.
Volunteers for Training Working Group - Jane
Natalie, Alison and Alexis volunteered to work on training. The focus will need to be staff not involved in the implementation who will use Alma and Primo, as well as students that work in the library.
Ex Libris will provide train the trainer approach for staff already familiar with Alma implementation. The TCPR needs to consider how to support the train-the-trainer approach for the libraries.
iSchool Practicum Project Proposal (submitted) / Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) Seneca Student (due to assist with Training LibGuide - Liana
Liana has submitted a proposal to the iSchool to get student to help develop the LibGuide.
ACTION ITEM: Liana will also reach out Mohawk and Seneca.
ACTION ITEM: Jane will reach to Marnie to see if we can host LibGuide on the CLO Learning Portal.
TCPR needs to consider if training material needs to be translated, definitely into French, potentially Indigeneous languages as well (e.g. Objibwe at Northern). Alison provided the name of program that deals with translations for Indigenous languages https://arts.uottawa.ca/translation/programs
Study Group Update: https://clo-collaboration-spaces.atlassian.net/l/c/M5fQrsMg
Study Group Planning Team requests another member to replace Anabella - currently Liana/Aura/Natalie
Danielle Emon has been invited as a regular guest expert.
A survey was conducted in December and respondents preferred a recurring meeting invitation. It will be sent beginning in February. Survey also indicated that an anonymous submission form for topic proposals and questions would be helpful, so that was created as well.
Other Items
ACTION ITEM: Aura will create a Doodle poll for the next meeting in two weeks.