2021-10-29 TCPR Meeting Minutes

2021-10-29 TCPR Meeting Minutes


  1. Anabella Arcaya, Algonquin

  2. Jane Burpee (Chair), Centennial

  3. Natalie Colaiacovo, Centennial

  4. Jennifer Varcoe, Georgian

  5. Alexis Edl, Northern

  6. Sonam Dhargay, Sheridan

  7. Marnie Kursiss-Morrow, St. Clair

  8. Rebecca LaFrance, OCLS

  9. Aura Hill, (Notetaker) Project & Communications Administrator

  10. Liana Giovando, Project Manager


  1. Laura Patrie, Boréal

  2. Alexandra Ross, Humber College

Land Acknowledgement

Native-Land.ca | Our home on native land

Invited to read: @ Jennifer Varcoe, Georgian

Action Items

Everyone gathers information about your college’s communication schedule, considerations for timelines
@Rebecca LaFrance (Unlicensed) to confirm if OCLS needs to track training for non-implementation library staff
@Jane Burpee to find out who to talk to at CLO about hosting the LibGuide
@Anabella Arcaya (Unlicensed) to see if she has/can make an image for OCLS Newsletter article
@Aura Hill to share identifying communications needs document and adjust communications activities section to reflect communications needs, associated communications activities and proposed dates.

Discussion Items


Training Tracker Update (Rebecca)

  • Rebecca found several options for add-ins to Confluence that could be used as training tracker. Google Drives is recommended as it’s free. She raised a concern with tracking in Confluence if colleges don’t have a Confluence account.

  • Liana confirms that we will not be tracking training for library staff that are part of implementation, but a downloadable training checklist that individuals can use has been posted on Confluence.

  • ACTION ITEM: Rebecca to confirm if OCLS needs to track training for non-implementation library staff

  • Jennifer raised that it is important to focus on being able to help colleges identify training plans for Alma/Primo for different staff positions, and that focus may be more important than reporting.

LibGuide Update (Anabella)

  • The structure of the LibGuide would be a home page with topics that link out to separate pages, e.g. Acquisitions page, Fulfillment page, etc.

  • Anabella also recommends to have links to training plans for different roles on the home page.

    • The subcommittee needs to identify the roles for different training plans

  • Alexis suggests including a Contact section for LibGuide based on topics with email address by topic, so users can email questions on a specific topic to an interested/expert group. Also, relevant questions could be added to an FAQ page.

  • The LibGuide would function as a template and colleges would copy it and adapt for their purpose. It is suggested to host it on the CLO website

    • ACTION ITEM: Jane to find out who to talk to at CLO about hosting the LibGuide

Community of Practice

  • Anabella researched options for Community of Practice. The cheapest is Basecamp at $99/month and it may be easiest for all colleges to access. Other options are Confluence, Teams (not all colleges can access) and Google Workspace.

    • OCLS has Google Workspace already with some licenses.

  • Confluence subscription will remain available after implementation. A new space for Community of Practice can be created without additional cost.

    • Concerns are raised that it may be difficult to maintain a structure as things can move often in Confluence and it is not always intuitive.

    • Considering creating a test space on Confluence for Community of Practice, but may need to determine some structure first.

Study Groups Update

  • Regular weekly meetings are set up that focus on topics that team would be working on that week.

  • Natalie, Anabella, Liana and Aura will consider feedback on study group format and are meeting early next week to discuss if format will be tweaked.

  • The study groups have received positive feedback so far. Please spread the word!


Branding Survey/Project Update

  • Jane and Alexandra had a meeting with Mark Robertson, Brock UL about how OCUL branded Omni (share brand for Primo across all institutions) using external branding company and he highly recommended it as very valuable in creating shared name/branding/logo.

  • The branding survey will be sent to CLO 18 to see if they have appetite to have shared branding in Nov./Dec.

  • After survey results, the subcommittee may need to create a briefing note on recommendation for external marketing company to develop shared brand to ISC.

OLA Presentation Update

  • Unfortunately, our proposal was rejected. If we work with external marketing company, it probably will not be needed.

OCLS Winter Newsletter

  • An article drafted about CLSP project for OCLS Winter Newsletter

  • ACTION ITEM: Anabella will see if she can develop/find an image


Communication Plan Activities Table

  • Jennifer provided a review of her additions to the table/

  • The impact to students to change the Discovery Layer during semester may be avoided by communicating the change to Primo to students at the end of the semester. This highlights the need that colleges may have to customize elements of communications to their own timelines.

  • Aura talks about identifying communication needs to guide activities and how/if training should be incorporated into communications plan.

  • ACTION ITEM: Aura to share identifying communications needs document and adjust communications activities sections to reflect communications needs, associated communications activities and proposed dates.

Subcommittee Terms of Reference (Aura/Liana)


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