2021-12-10 TCPR Meeting Agenda

2021-12-10 TCPR Meeting Agenda


  1. Alexis Edl, Northern

  2. Alison Lake, Algonquin [joined Dec. 10]

  3. Marnie Kursiss-Morrow, St. Clair

  4. Jane Burpee (Chair), Centennial

  5. Natalie Colaiacovo, Centennial

  6. Jennifer Varcoe, Georgian

  7. Alexandra Ross, Humber College

  8. Rebecca LaFrance, OCLS

  9. Aura Hill, (Notetaker) Project & Communications Administrator

  10. Liana Giovando, Project Manager


  1. Laura Patrie, Boréal

  2. Sonam Dhargay, Sheridan

Land Acknowledgement

Native-Land.ca | Our home on native land

Invited to read: Rebecca LaFrance

Action Items from Previous Meeting

Everyone: If you notice communication channels/tools where you may/will talk about new library system, please list on https://clo-collaboration-spaces.atlassian.net/l/c/GXhhLNd1 page.
@Aura Hill@Liana Giovando ​to send Save the Date for Holiday Party and send note to college liaisons asking for they to provide names of library staff who have participated in the projec
@Liana Giovando ​to scope budget for small gift for participants
Everyone to think of possible Kahoot questions and submit to Jennifer.

Discussion Items


Update - Anabella Arcaya


  • Holiday Plan update - Jennifer and Alexis

    • Prizes, Gifts!

  • Update from OCLS re ExLibraris support and materials -

  • Update re the Communication channels/tools doc - Aura

  • Other items…


  • Branding Survey Results - Alexandra and Aura

  • Branding Briefing Note update from the ISC - Jane

  • Next steps:

  • Capture from the Briefing Note


  • Branding Expression of Interest Draft - Alexandra and Jane

  • Other items…


  • When will this work start? Plan timeline of work?

  • Connecting with Discovery/Customer Service/Front End Subcommittee?

  • Who will Lead ? - Need 2-3 volunteers


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