2021-11-12 TCPR Meeting Agenda


  1. Anabella Arcaya, Algonquin

  2. Marnie Kursiss-Morrow, St. Clair

  3. Jane Burpee (Chair), Centennial

  4. Natalie Colaiacovo, Centennial

  5. Jennifer Varcoe, Georgian

  6. Alexandra Ross, Humber College

  7. Sonam Dhargay, Sheridan

  8. Rebecca LaFrance, OCLS

  9. Aura Hill, (Notetaker) Project & Communications Administrator

  10. Liana Giovando, Project Manager


  1. Laura Patrie, Boréal

  2. Alexis Edl, Northern

Land Acknowledgement

Native-Land.ca | Our home on native land

Invited to read: Alexandra Ross, Humber College

Action Items from Previous Meeting

Everyone gathers information about your college’s communication schedule, considerations for timelines
@Rebecca LaFrance (Unlicensed) to confirm if OCLS needs to track training for non-implementation library staff
@Jane Burpee to find out who to talk to at CLO about hosting the LibGuide
@Anabella Arcaya (Unlicensed) to see if she has/can make an image for OCLS Newsletter article
@Aura Hill to share identifying communications needs document and adjust communications activities section to reflect communications needs, associated communications activities and proposed dates.

Discussion Items


  • LibGuide Update

  • Study Groups Update


  • Branding Survey/Project Update


  • Communication Plan Activities Table


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