2022-05-12 Systems Minutes

Note: May 13th meeting was moved to the 12th because Katherine was not able to make it on the 13.



Action Items

@Lauren Rupert to update the “Overview” section of the “How to in Alma - Analytics”, specifying the impact of User/Staff Roles on analytics capabilities to provide clarity
@Lingling Jiang to look into Sirsi Reports Sheridan currently uses provided by OCLS and are still needed. And investigate if there is an Alma equivariant available.

Discussion Items

Welcome Dana

  • Committee welcomed new member, Dana Schwarz, from Niagara College

ISC Update (Katherine)

Review the new Analytics page for Page 1+ Alma & Primo Guide (Aura/Lauren)

The guide has been deemed comprehensive for the current phase of the project.

ACTION ITEM: Lauren to update the “Overview” section of the “How to in Alma - Analytics”, specifying the impact of User/Staff Roles on analytics capabilities to provide clarity

Report Templates in Alma Analytics (Liana)

  • Motion posed to examine further the types of reports that are being used and shared between OCLS and colleges to determine what may need to be replicated in Alma. There was an initial request for colleges to indicate any activities that are done in Sirsi, and would need to be done in Alma. The only reports indicated were OCLS circulation reports.

  • If shared report templates are needed, the subcommittee may need to consider how the templates would be constructed and shared in Alma.

  • ACTION ITEM: Lingling Jiang (Sheridan College) will look into Sirsi Reports Sheridan currently uses provided by OCLS and are still needed. And investigate if there is an Alma equivariant available.

Parking Lot Discussion Items

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