2022-11-11 Systems Minutes

2022-11-11 Systems Minutes


  • Rebecca Pearson, Lambton College - rebecca.pearson@lambtoncollege.ca

  • Dana Schwarz, Niagara College - dschwarz@niagaracollege.ca

  • Lingling Jiang, Sheridan College - lingling.jiang@sheridancollege.ca

  • Tony Onorato, Fanshawe College - aonorato@fanshawec.ca

  • Robert Soulliere, Mohawk College - robert.soulliere@mohawkcollege.ca

  • Ian Ingram, Sault College - ian.ingram@saultcollege.ca

  • Jennifer Mo, OCLS - jmo@ocls.ca

  • Thomas Guignard, OCLS - tguignard@ocls.ca

  • Liana Giovando, OCLS - lgiovando@ocls.ca

  • Lauren Rupert, Consultant


Action Items

@Liana Giovando to make the applicable changes to the SAD Subcommittee Recommendations for CLO and distribute the updated document to the members of this subcommittee
@Lingling Jiang to distribute a poll to survey availability for reports working group meeting times.

Discussion Items

Update from the ISC

  • Currently the Implementation Steering Committee is focusing on preparing for the CLO meeting scheduled on November the 30th. CLO is looking to take advice and direction from the committees and OCLS to organize the future of committees, subcommittees, and these groups applicable tasks for Page 1+.

(Update) Final Shared Alma Analytics Reports Guidelines: https://docs.google.com/document/d/103T9BSXHnwxLEosOZmMzX8nXYXmbTUCUNTBNruu5sNg/edit?usp=sharing

  • The Alma Analytics Reports Sharing Guidelines briefing note was brought forward to the Implementation Steering Committe

  • The briefing note has been approved by the committee

  • The briefing note can be found on the Alma & Primo Page 1+ LibGuide

(Update) Rialto Instructions

  • Eva is intending to make instructions and post them to her own LibGuide once the Rialto implementation has been completed. We are free to include the instructions she makes in our own LibGuide.

Review Notes on the SAD Subcommittee Recommendations for CLO

  • Liana provided a walkthrough of the document and sought feedback from the attending subcommittee members

    • There was a discussion of how membership might work

      • An emphasis was placed on not losing College to College contact

    • Frequency:

      • A working group that meets once a month or every other month

      • This proposed working group might persist over time rather than on a project-to-project basis like other proposed working groups

        • Identified that this committee has already been functioning like a working group

    • Discussion of transitioning the roles and responsibility of ‘analytics and data’ to the Metrics and Assessments Committee.

      • There was overall hesitation of this transition, the subcommittee expressed concern that ‘analytics and data’ would not receive the proper attention if it is not supervised by a dedicated/focus group on the topic.

      • This sparked contemplation of what this subcommittee would be doing if analytics wasn’t part of its scope.

    • The working group would have the ability to identify topics that needed attention/focus and bring them to OCLS for permission to strike a formal action for the working group.

      • Acting as an on-call steering committee with ‘sleeper agents’ as the members.

    • All amendments were reflected and captured in the document

    • ACTION ITEM: @Liana Giovando to make the applicable changes to the SAD Subcommittee Recommendations for CLO and distribute the updated document to the members of this subcommittee

Any other items

  • Jennifer Mo: Reports questions

    • How should the subcommittee deal with developing reports templates moving forwards?

    • It was decided that the best course of action was to assign the reports - doing one or two at a time

    • It was agreed that it was better to tackle repots on library operations rather than on CLO analytics at the moment

      • Agreed that reports can be arbitrarily picked - unless a specific request for one has been made.

      • General templates can be worked on in small groups (2/3 members) to ensure the perspective of multiple colleges. Colleges of different sizes and circumstances working together to create the most complete templates that they can; while also recognizing they will not be able to service all preferences.

    • ACTION ITEM: @Jennifer Mo (Unlicensed) to put a call out on the Page 1+ Systems Listserve for reports working groups members:

      • Working groups will meet during working hours once per week for an hour and a half to create a dashboard that works for Page 1+ Colleges

      • Request for a response if individuals are interested in/intend to participate.

    • Participants so far: Rebecca, Lingling, Jennifer, Dana and Ian

    • ACTION ITEM: @Jennifer Mo (Unlicensed) to distribute a poll to survey availability for reports working group meeting times.

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