2022-04-29 Systems Minutes

2022-04-29 Systems Minutes

Note: April 1 meeting cancelled due to no pressing items and April 15 meeting cancelled due to Good Friday holiday.



Action Items

Katherine will present https://clo-collaboration-spaces.atlassian.net/l/c/BnbUjF16 at the next ISC meeting.

Discussion Items

Welcome Dana!

Niagara College is joining the consortium with a spring 2023 implementation date. Dana will be the representative from Niagara on this subcommittee. Unfortunately she could not attend today.

ISC Update (Liana)

Metadata/Cataloging Subcommittee: They are working on minimum standards, starting with reviewing audiovisual files. This work ties into work being done by E-resources/Acquisitions subcommittee.

E-resources/Acquisitions Subcommittee: They are working on workflow for getting records for collections NOT in the Community Zone with OCLS. They are starting with AudioCine Film, Curio and Criteron collections. The work of Met/Cat will ensure these records will meet min. standards.

User Experience Subcommittee: They have drafted a briefing note on Overarching Statement on EDI in Primo and they are working on another briefing note to outline a process for suppressing offensive subject headings in Primo.

TCPR Subcommittee: The branding project is in the final stages so new name and logo will be chosen soon. The expanded version of Training Guide has been launched, but it will continue to be developed. Feedback on the Guide is welcome.

The ISC is discussing ways to communicate decisions and implement processes for these decisions at an operational level. Please share any ideas or methods used in the libraries that you think may work.

Stat category briefing note update/discussion

Amanda has updated the draft https://clo-collaboration-spaces.atlassian.net/l/c/BnbUjF16. There was not much feedback received. The briefing note will go to the ISC for approval at the next ISC meeting.

ACTION ITEM: Katherine will present https://clo-collaboration-spaces.atlassian.net/l/c/BnbUjF16 at the next ISC meeting

Orbis Cascade Alliance Systems Documentation with a view to post-Go Live SAD subcommittees purpose

The subcommittee in general like the design and structure of the Orbis systems documentation Systems Documentation . It is important to capture information/knowledge in a central location. They also liked that it was open to any member.

However, there is a need to have someone to co-ordinate and manage the documentation and the group of experts from the libraries. As well as perhaps they would need someone to design the structure from communications perspective.

Amanda also really liked the document about the best practices for systems support and the discussion about the relationship between the Alliance and ExLibris and the discussion about the "rules of engagement

Katherine provided a link to https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Cuvb1FAeNmkrWJhhD41q1uQY7ENyCQSJ/view

There are different models for governance that could be used:

  • Could make recommendation that this work sits with OCLS and this work is managed centrally.

  • Could also be a dedicated subcommittee with one of their responsibility would be to track updates in Alma. Liana proposes a draft with responsibilities

ISC is also discussing governance. There is a need to consider existing CLO subcommittees as it is suggested the work of this subcommittee could really be covered by the CLO Analytics subcommittee and the systems work is usually taken on independently by colleges, as the subcommittee cannot respond as quickly. It is important not to have too many committees/subcommittees.

The “glue” between the committees would help them be more successful and keep them accountable. This would be good for OCLS because of their position and their mandate. The roles for subcommittees should be clear as the colleges need to remain the decision-makers and be invested in the research and process of decision-making.


Any other items - None

Parking Lot Discussion Items

  • Discussion of role of the SAD subcommittee post Go Live. See Orbis Cascade Alliance Systems Committee for an example: Systems Documentation - discussed in this meeting; see item above.


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