2022-08-05 Systems Agenda



Action Items from Previous Meeting

@Lingling Jiang to research CLO Circulation Reports (In the Circulation Section)
@Rebecca Pearson to research CLO Inventory Count Reports (In the Collections Maintenance Section)
@aonorato (Unlicensed) to research CLO Expenditure Reports (In the Finance Section)
@Aura Hill to create a page for the https://clo-collaboration-spaces.atlassian.net/l/cp/ffvh0UfJ in Confluence
@Liana Giovando or @Aura Hill to bring to the ISC an update about aligning the reports for colleges for CLO

Discussion Items

  • Update from the ISC

  • Update on Analytics Reports Research (Lingling, Rebecca, Tony)

    • Tony’s Update: But I do have a small update to share about the CLO expenditures reports. I’ve had a chance to look at Analytics and it looks like there are a few out of the box Acquisitions reports that might work. I’ve saved the reports and will take more of a deep dive into what data is already included in each report and what can be added to better sync with the CLO survey. I can provide another update before the next meeting on August 19.

  • Management of Alma and Primo VE Sandboxes (Liana, Jennifer) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pwCuEuxxapbE556UhHfaYsqdnXXu4BNJ/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=103583223468593738302&rtpof=true&sd=true

  • Any other items

Parking Lot Discussion Items


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