2022-08-05 Systems Meeting
Gordana Vitez (Chair), Niagara College - gvitez@niagaracollege.ca
Amanda Van Mierlo, Humber College - amanda.vanmierlo@humber.ca
Rebecca Pearson, Lambton College - rebecca.pearson@lambtoncollege.ca
Jennifer Mo, OCLS - jmo@ocls.ca
Aura Hill, OCLS - ahill@ocls.ca
Liana Giovando, OCLS - lgiovando@ocls.ca
Lauren Rupert, Consultant
Tony Onorato, Fanshawe College - aonorato@fanshawec.ca
Thomas Guignard, OCLS - tguignard@ocls.ca
Lingling Jiang, Sheridan College - lingling.jiang@sheridancollege.ca
Dana Schwarz, Niagara College - dschwarz@niagaracollege.ca
Action Items
Discussion Items
Update from the ISC
Metadata and Cataloguing: The Metadata and Cataloguing subcommittee will be making their CLO Metadata standards public soon via a LibGuide. Met/Cat is conducting research into a Bookwhere subscription to assist with easy and uniform cataloging for colleges.
TCPR: Ex-Libris is offering a 6-week Knowlege Acceleration Program beginning in October for anyone who is interested in attending. To learn more about the program, click here. Registration for the program is required.
User Experience: The User Experience subcommittee continues to work on its https://clo-collaboration-spaces.atlassian.net/l/cp/Hi31EQCW. Currently, the subcommittee is researching which terms will be recommended for suppression first. The subcommittee continues to communicate with the Decolonizing the College Catalogue Committee during this project.
E-Resources: The E-Resources Subcommittee is researching which collections need import profiles and are currently missing records in the ex-libris network base. They are also working on creating records to be uploaded to the NZ that colleges can access and import to their IZ’s.
The new Page 1+ Splash page has been posted.
If you have promotional materials from your Page 1+ launch, please send them to Aura to be posted as promotional material on the LibGuide.
Update on Analytics Reports Research (Lingling, Rebecca, Tony)
Tony’s Update: But I do have a small update to share about the CLO expenditures reports. I’ve had a chance to look at Analytics, and it looks like there are a few out-of-the-box Acquisitions reports that might work. I’ve saved the reports and will take more of a deep dive into what data is already included in each report and what can be added to better sync with the CLO survey. I can provide another update before the next meeting on August 19.
Rebecca Update: There are reports that are available both for e-resources and physical inventory. The statistics for both are available through dashboards. Options to check acquisitions and decommission between certain dates is available for both physical and e-resources. Reports offer the ability to see what is in particular databases. (Committee’s opinion is that is a perfect match for the CLO Annual Reports needs)
ACTION ITEM: @Jennifer Mo (Unlicensed) to research running reports in the Network Zone (building on information from Rebecca’s research)
Lingling Update: Upcoming.
Next Step: Discuss preparing instructions on how to conduct/create surveys in Alma Analytics for colleges who are running reports for the CLO Annual Reports.
Management of Alma and Primo VE Sandboxes (Liana, Jennifer) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pwCuEuxxapbE556UhHfaYsqdnXXu4BNJ/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=103583223468593738302&rtpof=true&sd=true
The Sandbox consisted of four “pairs” in it; each pair contains an Alma sandbox and a Primo VE sandbox.
3 of the Sandboxes are for Institution Zones, and 1 of the Sandboxes is a Network Zone
Originally there were 2 IZ Sandboxes and 1 NZ Sandbox; however, a third IZ Sandbox was used for library technician training purposes to be used by Mohawk and Algonquin College.
ACTION ITEM: Everyone is to contemplate how the other 2 IZ Sandboxes should be allocated. At the moment, it is thought 1 will be used for all colleges, and the other will be for OCLS.
OCLS will be taking on a leading role in the management of the Sandboxes, maintaining the environments, refreshing the environments, and taking on the bulk of testing tasks.
OCLS will test new updates, evaluate the updates, and provide an analysis to the colleges about new updates allowing colleges to decide if they want to accept the changes.
To conduct a refresh, Ex-Libris needs a 30-day “heads-up.”
there can be a maximum of 4 refreshes made a year
ACTION ITEM: Everyone to contemplate how often refreshes should occur. At the moment, the idea is to have them occur twice a year (December and July) or in “down” months.
There is a limit of 30 staff user records - we ask that if you would like a staff user record placed into the college IZ for testing that you submit a proposal (a plan with a timeline) to OCLS to ensure spots are being used effectively and prevent “out of date” profiles being made.
Suggestion: change language - “Staff User Record” to “Any user with a role other than patron,” allowing for more clarity (Patron+ User)
Each college would be responsible for deleting their records when they are done their resting (OCLS can delete to; however, it is a courtesy for the colleges to do so)
ACTION ITEM: Everyone to review to document before the next meeting and be prepared to discuss it
Liana is hoping to bring the briefing note draft on this topic to the next meeting for review so that it can be brought to the ISC
Yes, you can discuss this with staff to gain more opinions and perspectives (focus on the Guidelines)
Any other items
Parking Lot Discussion Items
Be aware that eResources activated in NZ or IZ should not affect colleges' ability to pull eResources data in Alma Analytics. Tests may be needed to make sure eResources-related reports work as expected.
Discussion of role of the SAD subcommittee post Go Live. See Orbis Cascade Alliance Systems Committee for an example: https://www.orbiscascade.org/programs/systems/documentation/