2021-08-06 Minutes

2021-08-06 Minutes



Discussion Items


Thomas sent a spreadsheet that was used before the RFP to collect what system each college is using. The list was reviewed by the group to check if it’s up to date, made some updates when information was known. Other categories as specified in the ExLibris Alma integration page were added as new columns to the spreadsheet where applicable.

John will coordinate with Liana and the steering committee so this information is sent out to college liaisons together with other request for information.
Update: Liana advised Subcommittee should send this document and collect the information.

Finalized spreadsheet:

Terms of Reference

Everyone to review the terms of reference draft in advance of the next meeting.

BOLT group (Banner Ontario Leadership Team)

Amanda reached out to the BOLT contact, they asked for more time before answering. Still in process.

Action Items

John to complete formatting integrations table and request College Liaisons to complete information for their institutions.
LINK to table: College Library Systems Integration List
Everyone to review Terms of Reference and provide comments/feedback in advance of next meeting.


  • Terms of Reference

  • Requirement for Alma Certified Administrators

  • Analytics