2022-02-18 Systems Minutes

2022-02-18 Systems Minutes



Action Items

Amanda will provide Word doc about User Data Extract to Liana.
Everyone to review Orbis Cascade Alliance Systems (SYS) Documentation Systems Documentation

by next meeting

Discussion Items

Systems Subcommittee Chair Update (Katherine)

Branding survey for internal stakeholders has been circulated. An external stakeholder survey will be circulated to faculty, students, etc.

At La Cite, the email from college president and recognition of work of IT and the library was appreciated.

UX subcommittee are looking at ILL materials and how it’s being used via a survey. E-Resources are looking at ILL for e-resources. They may run a pilot project with vendors that permit ILL.

OCLS Service Proposals

OCLS is working on services definitions development and changes due to Alma. They will develop service proposals and they will bring to subcommittees for feedback. It will be an iterative process and things may change as more information becomes available.

Debrief of SIS Integration Meeting with Ex Libris (All)

The meeting was well organized from a project perspective. The presentation and recording will be posted for those who could not attend. There were some very technical questions so perhaps more Ex Libris IT support with deeper knowledge may be needed for future meetings.

In SIS integration profile in Alma there is opportunity to extract a user to create a sample of user data. This provides and see the data they need from the SIS. Some information may need to be stripped. Humber shared that with their IT and it was useful. This information can be shared on Enable Student Information System Integration (Feb 2022 - May 2022) page.

ACTION ITEM: Amanda will provide Word doc about User Data Extract to Liana.

Sharing Algonquin SIS Extract Details (Liana)

Algonquin has built a unique solution and may be helpful to share with other colleges building unique solutions (e.g. Fanshawe). Liana has distributed the info via email.

Review Orbis Cascade Alliance Systems (SYS) Documentation for Inspiration: Systems Documentation (All)

ACTION ITEM: Everyone to review Orbis Cascade Alliance Systems (SYS) Documentation Systems Documentation

BOLT Update (Amanda)

BOLT is having a meeting about Ex Libris integration as a first step. Amanda is not sure who is attending. She will represent the SAD subcommittee. It would be important to highlight that there are 18 colleges working on this and a number are using Banner. Centennial has reached out to several colleges looking for information. Amanda will reach out to Micheline and see if Centennial is invited and confirm the audience for the meeting.

Any other items

See everyone at the Alma Workshop starting Feb. 28.


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