2022-05-27 Systems Meeting Minutes
Katherine Marceau (Chair), La Cité - KMarce@lacitec.on.ca
Lingling Jiang, Sheridan College - lingling.jiang@sheridancollege.ca
Rebecca Pearson, Lambton College - rebecca.pearson@lambtoncollege.ca
Amanda Van Mierlo, Humber College - amanda.vanmierlo@humber.ca
Tony Onorato, Fanshawe College - aonorato@fanshawec.ca
Aura Hill, OCLS - ahill@ocls.ca
Liana Giovando, OCLS - lgiovando@ocls.ca
Dana Schwarz, Niagara College - dschwarz@niagaracollege.ca
Jennifer Mo, OCLS - jmo@ocls.ca
Lauren Rupert, Consultant (Guest)
Thomas Guignard, OCLS - tguignard@ocls.ca
Justin Johnston, Fleming College - Justin.johnston@flemingcollege.ca
Action Items
Discussion Items
Katherine Marceau Resignation Announcement
Katherine announced today that she will be stepping down as the chair of the Systems, Analytics and Data committee - thank you for your hard work, Katherine. Gordana Vitez from Niagara College will be the new chair.
Update on “How to in Alma - Analytics” Page (Lauren)
A brief note has been added to the Overview box in the “How to in Alma - Analytics” to explain to users that not all information in this section will be applicable to them - it is dependent on the role they have been assigned and what they have access to through that role.
Update on the Sirsi Reports and the Shared Reports Table Page (Lingling)
All remaining members to please add the reports that their colleges are using to the https://clo-collaboration-spaces.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CI/pages/539328549.
Then, the subcommittee will need to establish what reports are available “out of the box” to use through Alma, and what sharable templates will need to be made.
The table has been announced and shared in the most recent https://clo-collaboration-spaces.atlassian.net/l/c/Y2rL8nur blog post
ACTION ITEM: @Liana Giovando to promote the https://clo-collaboration-spaces.atlassian.net/l/c/RqbaJjy0 in the next housekeeping for the next CLSP meeting on Tuesday
ACTION ITEM: @Aura Hill to promote the https://clo-collaboration-spaces.atlassian.net/l/c/RqbaJjy0 in the next Happy Monday posting
FUTURE ITEM: Possibility of adding a new column to the table (or a new table) to reflect reports that are wanted but not currently available.
ISC Update
Metadata and Cataloguing - This subcommittee continues to work on standards for Page 1+ cataloguing. These standards will include what is a required field and what is a recommended field. The committee is hoping to create a trusted cataloguing collection for each material type. The collection that they create will be housed in the LibGuide once complete and will continue to be available post Go Live.
E-Resources and Acquisitions - This subcommittee is working on developing additional testing e-resource instructions. Proxy URLs have been added to the collections for testing purposes. Issues surrounding full-text access in customer parameters have been resolved. A collection of documents on how to test and what to do when you find issues have been posted. See
User Experience - This committee’s https://clo-collaboration-spaces.atlassian.net/l/c/4mQSM5sB was approved. The document contains recommendations on how to implement these steps in Primo VE. The committee is also working on a recommendation on suppressing offensive terms in the catalogue (this is continued work on decolonizing cataloguing language), the terms will not be removed from the records but instead suppressed so the public will not see them. They are meeting Monday. They will also start the initial research into resource sharing.
Training/Communication/PR Subcommittee - There is no more CLSP from now on all CLSP branding will be referred to as Page 1+. Our branding consultant, Aubs and Muggs, has provided a branding launch scheduled.
Update on the CLO Annual Survey
CLO wanted to know if Alma reports will be ready to use for this fiscal year (2021-2022). It has been established that this will not be possible as Alma does not have this historical data.
There may be the need to pool current college data to meet CLO’s Annual Survey Requirements (Last fiscal year and April 1 - June 20).
More discussion with CLO will take place in the fall/winter, then information will be brought back to this committee.
There is a possibility of collecting the needed CLO Annual Survey Data in 2022-2023, this would mean that needed measures would need to be in place this time next year.
There is a possibility that the needed information could come from automation in OCLS/Alma, meaning colleges would no longer have to collect and submit it individually. This requires more research namely identifying what can be created in Alma and run by OCLS.
Future Item - Create a table to establish what reports will be needed from OCLS by CLO (CLO analytics requirements may be sufficient)
Any Other Items - None
Parking Lot Discussion Items
Discussion of role of the SAD subcommittee post Go Live. See Orbis Cascade Alliance Systems Committee for an example: Systems Documentation