2022-11-25 Systems Meeting

2022-11-25 Systems Meeting



  • Rebecca Pearson, Lambton College - rebecca.pearson@lambtoncollege.ca

  • Tony Onorato, Fanshawe College - aonorato@fanshawec.ca

  • Robert Soulliere, Mohawk College - robert.soulliere@mohawkcollege.ca

  • Ian Ingram, Sault College - ian.ingram@saultcollege.ca

  • Jennifer Mo, OCLS - jmo@ocls.ca

  • Lauren Rupert, Consultant


Action Items

@aonorato (Deactivated) to begin looking into Anonymization in Alma and return a brief information summary to the subcommittee

Discussion Items

Update from the ISC (Defered)

Update on Shared Analytics Reports and Dashboards

1.Question from one of the previous meetings: is there a storage limitation for the analytics shared folders or personal folders?

Answer from Ex Libris: according to our Analytics Developers, there is no limit enforced or imposed by Ex Libris on the number of reports which might be in a personal or shared folder.

2.There are some issues with the Page 1+ shared folder. Previously, some to-be-deleted subfolders couldn’t be removed by Ex Libris' weekly synchronization process. And on Nov. 21, the whole folder couldn’t be found.

This was fixed by Ex Libris on Nov. 23.

Jennifer reminded the subcommittee that the Page 1+ shared folder is not a reliable space, as it can be accessed and edited by anyone in the Alma community (not just our institutions). It is best if you save a copy of the folder for yourself.

Once the folder is more developed/stable then there is the potential of making a back-up.

Update on the First Working Hours Meeting

  • First reports working meeting was held yesterday - November 24th

  • Worked on general fulfillment reports

    • Changed the names of some columns to better reflect what is requested in CLO reporting

    • Meged some columns

    • Discovered that reports must be saved separately to reflect changes

    • Investigated date range functionality

  • Proposed to combine some report to gain dashboard functions

  • Establish the difference between CLO and day-to-day reports

  • There is now a folder on Confluence pertaining to the working meetings

Look into Ex Libris anonymization in the future

Short Discussion about Analytics and Reports during the Implementation Process