2022-09-30 Systems Minutes
Rebecca Pearson, Lambton College - rebecca.pearson@lambtoncollege.ca
Dana Schwarz, Niagara College - dschwarz@niagaracollege.ca
Lingling Jiang, Sheridan College - lingling.jiang@sheridancollege.ca
Amanda Van Mierlo, Humber College - amanda.vanmierlo@humber.ca
Tony Onorato, Fanshawe College - aonorato@fanshawec.ca
Robert Soulliere, Mohawk College - robert.soulliere@mohawkcollege.ca
Ian Ingram, Sault College - ian.ingram@saultcollege.ca
Jennifer Mo, OCLS - jmo@ocls.ca
Liana Giovando, OCLS - lgiovando@ocls.ca
Aura Hill, OCLS - ahill@ocls.ca
Lauren Rupert, Consultant
Gordana Vitez (Chair), Niagara College - gvitez@niagaracollege.ca
Thomas Guignard, OCLS - tguignard@ocls.ca
Action Items
Discussion Items
Welcome, Ian!
Welcome to the Systems, Analytics and Data subcommittee! We are thrilled to have you working with us!
Update from the ISC
Metadata and Cataloguing - The Metadata and Cataloguing subcommittee has created the CLO Metadata Standards for Cataloguing practices. These standards are being transferred into the publically accessible CLO Metadata Standards LibGuide, the subcommittee is also creating Workflows that work in conjunction with the new Metadata standards.
If you would like to learn more about the recent work of the Metadata and Cataloguing subcommittees work please join the Project Weekly Meeting scheduled for next Tuesday - October the 4th.E-Resources and Acquisitions - The E-Resources and Acquisitions subcommittee held its last meeting yesterday (September 27th, 2022). This subcommittee will be absorbed into the E-Resources Steering Committee. The Steering Committee will have to review their terms of reference to establish how to best incorporate the subcommittee and it is anticipated that the steering committee will take on new members to match the skillset posed by the revised terms of reference.
There will be further conversation on how to deal with acquisitions and physical materials.User Experience - The User Experience subcommittee held its last meeting two weeks ago (September 12, 2022). As of right now, the User Experience subcommittees will not be absorbed into a larger Steering Committee; instead, there will working groups struck on a project-to-project basis going forward.
Training, Communication and Public Relations - The TCPR subcommittee held its last meeting last week (September 19, 2022). The subcommittee's work is primarily captured in the Page 1+ Alma and Primo Guide. The proposed Page 1+ Steering Committee will ensure that the story of Page 1+ will continue to be told.
Implementation Steering Committee - The ISC will transition into the Page 1+ Steering Committee, the committee will consist largely of the same members with some minor changes made where needed.
Sandbox Management Guidelines Update https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pwCuEuxxapbE556UhHfaYsqdnXXu4BNJ/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=103583223468593738302&rtpof=true&sd=true
This briefing note was brought to the ISC by Liana and Gordana where it was approved.
Reminder: We are all learning about this topic - the document is subject to change as more is learned and our knowledge continues to grow.
Allocation of the Sandbox (All updates have been captured in the document)
Liana and Gordana have reviewed and discussed with Mohawk and Algonquin colleges, for now, we will be keeping an IZ for LIT Program training.
IZ Pair Breakdown and NZ use has been updated in the document to reflect more final decisions.
New Releases:
Bug fixes are being issued monthly - they are first uploaded to the sandbox and then automatically uploaded into the environment. It has been decided that due to the frequency and scale of bug fixes that OCLS will not be able to check/test all bug fixes. However; it was proposed that OCLS keep an excel document of known bugs that are affecting colleges so specific problems can be addressed at updates.
The section concerning “Generic Data” has been expanded upon.
Sandbox Refresh:
This subcommittee has agreed that the sandbox should be refreshed twice a year; once in June and again in December
Document Governance (Points that still need to be addressed/decided on)
Next date for review
Alma Analytics Report Sharing Guidelines https://docs.google.com/document/d/103T9BSXHnwxLEosOZmMzX8nXYXmbTUCUNTBNruu5sNg/edit?usp=sharing (Jennifer)
Jennifer provided the subcommittee with a walk through of how the Shared Reports Folder functions, how it differs from the OCLS Folder, and how each folder is described and its intended purpose.
ACTION ITEM: Everyone to closely review the shared Alma reports document and bring any contributions to the next meeting
Future of the SAD Subcommittee
At this stage in the transition, it appears that all current subcommittees will be folded into CLO.
The Page 1+ Steering Committee will operate under the guidance of CLO
It was expressed that there will need to be an individual on the Page 1+ Steering Committee that has knowledge of the Systems aspect of this subcommittee.
At present, it appears that part of this subcommittee's duties will be absorbed into the pre-existing Steering Committee: Metrics and Assessment. [This benefits the “Analytics” part of our subcommittee]
The Metrics and Assessment Steering Committee are involved in identifying important metrics that all colleges need to collect and submit, which allows the committee to construct business cases for funding and resource support advocacy.
However, this leaves us needing the Systems and Data part of our mandate a little in the wind.
Discussion around Merging with another Committee:
There would need to be a capture of any new activities that were not in the original terms of reference
A review of the terms of reference will need to take place
An assessment of if there are activities that do not fall under the scope of the Metrics and Assessment Committee.
A suggestion was made that we could operate as a working group going forward; meaning, that a working group could be struck on a project to project basses to act as a support when colleges make a request.
There was concern that the Metrics and Assessment group would prevent practical projects (a focus of this committee) from being carried out.
Suggestion to either rewrite the terms of reference or start a new group
What to do with Data and Systems. If Analytics goes to Metrics and Assessment what happens to the other two facets?
Can Data be separated from Analytics
Frequency: Regularly? For how long? Increase frequency for working groups? Less frequent for the steering committee?
It was acknowledged buy the group that it is unlikely that this group will continue in this capacity as we have fulfilled our objectives
This topic has NOT been resolved - we will actively discuss it in the next meeting
ACTION ITEM: Think about governance to discuss in the next meeting! We aren't done yet
Any other items
Parking Lot Discussion Items
Be aware that eResources activated in NZ or IZ should not affect colleges' ability to pull eResources data in Alma Analytics. Tests may be needed to make sure eResources-related reports work as expected.
Discussion of role of the SAD subcommittee post Go Live. See Orbis Cascade Alliance Systems Committee for an example: https://www.orbiscascade.org/programs/systems/documentation/