2022-03-10 E-Resources Meeting Minutes

2022-03-10 E-Resources Meeting Minutes


  • Leigh Cunningham (Chair), St. Lawrence College

  • Cheryl Wardell, Fleming College

  • Chris Woodley, Conestoga College

  • Nicole Morgan, OCLS

  • Joanne Qin, St. Clair College

  • Laura Holton, Fanshawe College

  • Mary Anne Reinhard, Algonquin

  • Aura Hill, PMO

  • Liana Giovando, PMO


  • Lindsay Bontje, Humber College

  • Carol McNabb, Georgian College

  • Sarah Gillard, George Brown

Action Items

Everyone to consider the two approaches under E-Resources Not in the Community Zone Briefing Note Strategy Consideration and be prepared to discuss in the next meeting.
@Nicole Morgan to sent out sample set of e-resources for testing that should be working. It will include NFB, Films on Demand, QuickLaw, and Gale.
Aura to create a Confluence page to capture e-resource testing instructions, tips, hints from subcommittee.
UPDATE: The Confluence page has been created: https://clo-collaboration-spaces.atlassian.net/l/c/pHJPYfPM
Subcommittee members test samples of e-resources sent by Nicole. Add any ideas for instructions, tips, hints, etc. to the Confluence page that will be set up.

Discussion Items

1. Subcommittee Chair Update (items from ISC)

Branding presentation was discussed, and naming options seem to be going in a good direction.

Also ISC discussed Resource Sharing Questionnaire and the implication of not sharing patron data, which leads to peer-to-peer network option instead of fulfillment model. Patrons can still borrow from other libraries, but it will not be as seamless. Changing models will involve additional cost and time. This does not affect electronic resource sharing.

2. Discuss ILL e-resource sharing pilot project proposal Resource Sharing Pilot project ideas

The pilot project would need to identify a vendor that permits ILL or could include advocating to vendor to support controlled digital lending.

Note that Orbis Cascade Alliance (library consortium) Board of Directors have voted on controlled digital lending as a virtual source of library loan (see comment on link above).I

Due to many priorities with implementation, the pilot is not urgent and can be pursued at a later point. Aura will move to parking lot.

Resource Sharing Options in Alma

It is recommended to watch Session 13 recording again to become familiar with options for resource sharing. To see Session 13 presentation, the session slides start at slide 74 (see presentation file at the top of the page).


3. OCLS strategy update - Service Proposal Template (Nicole Morgan)

OCLS is considering several options on how to manage e-Resources in the NZ ranging from managing everything in the NZ to mainly managing in the IZ. Some additional information is needed from Ex Libris before making a decision. OCLS will provide more information as they work through the process of selecting an approach.

Nicole presents a draft service proposal template which has been completed for E-Resource Management to get feedback on if this is a functional way to share information with colleges. OCLS would like to know if there’s anything missing, red flags, and questions. There is some positive feedback on the service proposal template. Mary Anne would like more information about how invoicing would work.

4. OCLS Approach to Managing e-resources in the NZ

The colleges need a testable environment for e-resources but there are several significant issues preventing testing. OCLS is working with Ex Libris to resolve these issues.

EZ Proxy

EZ proxy issue has been resolved using Lambton as a test and a few others. But it is has to be done manually. For Go Live, OCLS may be able to activate automatically using Activation Form.

Customer parameters

Customer parameters will also have to be entered manually. A solution has developed for for Gale, Films On Demand and QuickLaw. However, ProQuest, EBSCO, Nexis Uni and others still need to be done.

To test, the process involved identifying which ones need customer parameters, getting them, inputting them, testing them. Regardless, customer parameters have to be added after Go Live.


The primary concern is getting EZ Proxy working properly. Adding customer parameters would be secondary.

ProQuest was activated for colleges, but not in OCLS NZ and is also causing some duplication.

Concerns are raised for testing for colleges that will be switching to SSO just before Go Live.

Nicole will loop Stacey in for SSO issues to address these concerns.

The testing may be split up among subcommittee or all colleges; individuals will need to be on campus in order to test. The testing will need to be framed positively and clear instructions provided.

Testing to find missing local parameters and identify missing URLS and other issues (link goes to journal, not article) should involve:

  1. Access

  2. Collections

  3. Title list in package (is the right one that you have access to?)

  4. How the collections are structured - not priority


  • Nicole to sent out sample set of e-resources for testing that should be working. It will include NFB, Films on Demand, QuickLaw, and Gale.

  • Aura to create a Confluence page to capture draft e-resource testing instructions, tips, hints from subcommittee

  • Subcommittee members test samples of e-resources sent by Nicole. Add any ideas for instructions, tips, hints, etc. to the Confluence page that will be set up.

5. Mapping ERMA subscriptions and Alma collections document (Nicole/Liana) https://clo-collaboration-spaces.atlassian.net/l/c/6NNn0vTG

The spreadsheet can act as a reference for colleges to identify if a collection is not working, missing, etc.

Colleges can use to find Alma name of collection, as mapped by OCLS.

6. Briefing Note Strategy Discussion (eResources Not in the Community Zone)- all

Deferred - will be transferred to a draft service proposal for feedback

7. Any other Business? (AoB)

Parking Lot





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