2022-05-26 E-Resources Meeting Minutes

2022-05-26 E-Resources Meeting Minutes


  • Leigh Cunningham (Chair), St. Lawrence College

  • Carol McNabb, Georgian College

  • Cheryl Wardell, Fleming College

  • Chris Woodley, Conestoga College

  • Cindy Rigg, Niagara College

  • Nicole Morgan, OCLS

  • Joanne Qin, St. Clair College

  • Laura Holton, Fanshawe College

  • Aura Hill, PMO

  • Liana Giovando, PMO

  • Lauren Rupert, PMO (Guest)


  • Mary Anne Reinhard, Algonquin

  • Lindsay Bontje, Humber College

  • Sarah Gillard, George Brown

Action Items

@Liana Giovandoto ask Ex Libris to train on building the MARC records in cases where it’s required.
UPDATE: For colleges with independent resources that are not in CZ, still looking at different ways to create/generate those records.
@Mary Anne Reinhard (Unlicensed)@Nicole Morgan will test ERM Workflow process.
@Chris Woodley to post question in Basecamp: when using downloaded list of collections, why does sometimes something looks not activated but it actually has been activated?
@Chris Woodley to finalize draft Testing Collection Entitlement/Verification next week, including “not activated/activated” issue and add the tip about searching the asterisk to see everything in the IZ.

Discussion Items

Action Items Update

MARC Records (Liana Giovando/Sarah Gillard)

OCSL has a better understanding of what is needed to create database records has been achieved. For the record to work for specific features (e.g. facets) specific fields will need to be filled in. How records will be filled out is dependent on the standards the Metadata and Cataloguing Subcommittee decide upon. Liana will request to that they make standards for database records for supporting e-resources.

ERM Workflow Process (Mary Ann Reinhard/Nicole Morgan)

It has been established that the ERM Workflow Process testing cannot take place in one college system, it will have to be deployed to all colleges. This will not affect the operation of other college systems. Algonquin will assist in testing the ERM Workflow Process.
For colleges that want to use their Alma for acquisition data, they will need vendor licenses, but not all colleges will need them. It is proposed to communicate to the colleges about why are we running this testing and the benefits. Updates to be added in the next Happy Monday.

Introduce form for Testing of Network Zone Electronic Collections

A Google form has been created for colleges to submit issue reports. The Google Form has basic questions, upon submission, it will automatically send its information to a publicly accessible Excel sheet which is tracking all reported user issues. This Excel sheet will allow us to keep track of issues being reported and check how they progress. Making the Excel sheet publicly accessible allows users to check if their issue has been reported before and if so, how frequently.
The committee likes that the user can see the Excel track sheet.

Confluence Page Retirement (E collection change report)

The E-Collection Change Report and the Known Issues in ERMA Mapping page will be retired.

The E-Collection Change Report was too difficult to keep current and the Known Issues page will be replaced by the new Issues Form Spreadsheet. Significant changes related to E-resources will be posted on the News & Announcement blog.

The committee raised no objections to this course of action.

Chris to post in BaseCamp - Activation Appearance/Verification Testing

Work continues on issues with an exportable list of activated collections, namely what has been activated and who can use those activations, to determine what exactly the issue is. Chris will also post question in Basecamp to get help from Ex Libris.

ACTION ITEM (Updated): Chris to finalize draft Testing Collection Entitlement/Verification next week, including “not activated/activated” issue and add the tip about searching the asterisk to see everything in the IZ.

Subcommittee Chair Update (items from ISC)

Systems, Analytics and Data - Katherine is stepping down as SAD Subcommittee Chair. Gordana Vitez from Niagara College has agreed to be SAD subcommittee chair. There are no updates for SAD, but they are meeting tomorrow.
Metadata and Cataloguing - The committee is currently working on a briefing note for Conexxion subscription (OCLC connection provided by OCLS), this subscription is meant to help all colleges to meet minimum bibliographic standards. More information to be released next week.
TCPR - Nothing big after the logo was announced - brief training guide/equivalencies between EDS and Primo VE dif and similarities (Requested feedback on the LibGuide)
OCLS - is currently working on an overarching services agreement to capture all activity happening within the Page 1+ project, more information to come.

Determine best model for activation in the IZ/NZ: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1h65wSiu4u3mMRz0XMigV-Pf29Y3x02wnGFIxq2cFisI/edit?usp=sharing (Nicole to summarize key points of FYI from Alma listserv for eRAcq to consider.)

Few interesting issues were raised and have now been brought to the attention of this committee:

  • Upload Electronic Holdings Integration Profiles in Network Zone - On Hold (from the NZ side) - Opportunity to have Alma update collection additions and subtractions automatically (from certain vendors) cutting down on maintenance needs (like KBART). Not as of yet sure how this will work in the Network Zone, further testing is required. Colleges are free to enable this automation via KBART in their institution if they want, but they must notify OCLS to avoid duplication of resources through the NZ distribution.

  • There were concerns that there would be a negative impact on analytics if activations took place in the NZ rather than the IZ. Ex-Libris doesn't think there will be negative implications associated by activating resources in the NZ. Parameters have been checked and correctly set to ensure accurate data and analytics can be accessed. (Suggested that this be checked by SAD)

Nothing further is needed from this group on this topic

Any other Business? (AoB) - none





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