2021-10-13 Meeting Minutes

2021-10-13 Meeting Minutes


  • Leigh Cunningham (Chair), St. Lawrence College

  • Carol McNabb, Georgian College

  • Cheryl Wardell, Fleming College

  • Chris Woodley, Conestoga College

  • Holly Sarvari, OCLS

  • Joanne Qin, St. Clair College

  • Laura Holton, Fanshawe College

  • Lindsay Bontje, Humber College

  • Mary Anne Reinhard, Algonquin

  • Sarah Gillard, George Brown

  • Aura Hill, PMO

  • Liana Giovando, PMO


Mary Anne Reinhard

Action Items

@Aura Hill to update Terms of Reference and send out link
Everyone: Review updated Terms of Reference
@Leigh Cunningham (Unlicensed) created shared table on Confluence; @Aura Hill to support if needed
@Leigh Cunningham (Unlicensed) and @Cheryl Wardell Compose draft email to send out to college liaisons to populate table

Discussion Items

1. Welcome and Introductions

All members introduced.

Meeting Administration: Aura appointed as note-taker.

2. Terms of Reference

  • Terms of Reference for this subcommittee are to be updated with focus on becoming experts and preparing recommendations and to be aligned with other subcommittee's Terms of Reference.

  • ACTION ITEM: Aura to update and send out link

  • ACTION ITEM: All subcommittee members to review and comment

3. Questions arising from implementation to date

  • Acquisitions: Starting Acquisitions in Alma and need to set up fund codes; recommend posting question to Basecamp for Ex Libris to get details on what steps to take.

  • For resources handled by OCLS, do they need to be included on the list from link resolvers from individual colleges? Yes they do. It will not result in a duplication of work. The purpose is to tell Ex Libris what resources each college has that will be activated from the Community Zone.

  • OCLS will most likely determine the resources and mapping for ERMA resources and Ex Libris. Colleges will need to complete for the rest of their eResources.

  • Consider colleges that may still have access to 360 even though they don’t use it anymore and if that would be easier just to update and use 360.

  • Joanne Qin: Issue with not being able to access eResources properly currently; suggested to reach out to Eva McDonald.

4. Briefing Notes - introduction

  • Briefing Notes are a framework for researching options and capturing decisions.

  • Briefing Note template is available; try to keep it brief and summarize issues.

5. Assigned committee work


Topic for Subcommittee to Research and Develop Recommendation

  • Managing electronic collections that are not in the Community Zone.

  • Community Zone is populated with records from institutions from all over the world, some records needed may not exist or do not minimum standards. How does the consortium want to handle this issue?

  • Potential questions that may need to be addressed are provided below.

    1. Is this an issue that needs to be addressed?

    2. Who is involved?

    3. Recommendations for Network Zone records metadata and management support for eresources

    4. What collections or portfolios do not exist in the Community Zone?

    5. Where collections and/or portfolios have metadata that does not meet our “standards”

    6. Where portfolios have vendor-supplied marc records and/or title lists

    7. How are these resources identified?

    8. What level of enhancement to records is required for discoverability?

    9. What level of enhancement to records is desirable or required to meet bibliographic standards (in consultation with Metadata Subcommittee)?

    10. What support (staffing resources) exist at participating colleges?

    11. What do we recommend as the level of support, if any, from OCLS?

    12. Consider lifecycle from purchase, licensing, metadata, activation/discoverability, maintenance/weeding.

  • Be aware of overlap with Metadata/Cataloguing Subcommittee as well.

  • Not an urgent timeline.

Suggested Approach

  1. Research the situation and map out the work

    1. Identify what collections & material are not in the Community Zone (e.g. Curio, NFB)

    2. Link to what is in the Community Zone

    3. Build strategy on how you will approach this

      1. ACTION ITEM: Create a shared table on Confluence that has all collections that are not on the list on Confluence

      2. ACTION ITEM: @Leigh Cunningham (Unlicensed) and @Cheryl Wardell compose draft email to send out to college liaisons to populate table

  2. Determine which collections you want in the Community Zone

  3. Examine who is best suited to do this work? OCLS and colleges or collaboration of both are all options

    1. Identifying current workflows that may be able to be reused

  4. Determine a recommendation

6. Conference attendance - AmigosNow, Dec. 8, 2021 (virtual)

7. Any other Business? (AoB)
