2022-02-10 E-Resources Meeting Minutes

2022-02-10 E-Resources Meeting Minutes


  • Leigh Cunningham (Chair), St. Lawrence College

  • Carol McNabb, Georgian College

  • Cheryl Wardell, Fleming College

  • Chris Woodley, Conestoga College

  • Nicole Morgan, OCLS

  • Joanne Qin, St. Clair College

  • Laura Holton, Fanshawe College

  • Mary Anne Reinhard, Algonquin

  • Aura Hill, PMO

  • Liana Giovando, PMO


  • Lindsay Bontje, Humber College

  • Sarah Gillard, George Brown

Action Items from Previous Meeting

Everyone to consider the two approaches under E-Resources Not in the Community Zone Briefing Note Strategy Consideration and be prepared to discuss in the next meeting.
@Nicole Morgan will provide information about current vendor contracts and ILL on https://clo-collaboration-spaces.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CI/pages/419823649
@Cheryl Wardell will draft some thoughts around an ILL e-resource sharing pilot project proposal.


Discussion Items

Subcommittee Chair Update (items from ISC)

The ISC had a presentation from branding company, Aubs & Mugg, who will develop CLPS name, logo and branding toolkit. Identifying stakeholders and information gathering has started. There will be surveys sent out and other opportunities for consultation.

A demo for Leganto by Seneca is being planned for March.

The ISC talked about CLSP governance post Go-Live in terms of committees and the governance structure plan. This is still under development and something for the subcommittee to think about in terms of e-Resources.

Resource Sharing Presentation (Amigos Conference) - Cheryl Wardell

Nicole notes that some OCLS streaming video vendors allow ILL, but it depends on the wording in the contract. Nicole can also inquire at ConCan meeting about potential for ILL for e-resources.

ACTION ITEM: Nicole will provide information about current vendor contracts and ILL on https://clo-collaboration-spaces.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CI/pages/419823649

The subcommittee may want to consider a ILL resources pilot project for colleges/universities involving libraries across Canada and. There is a new listserv about video streaming in the academic world (CDN).

Pilot Project Ideas

  • Consider a ILL resources pilot project for colleges in Alma Consortium.

  • An approach could be to identify what material colleges need and what material is available for ILL. There is interest in one-off videos from NFB. Films on Demand could be an option for a test pilot as they may be open to those conversations.

  • The subcommittee may consider development of a single e-Resource ILL policy for Ontario college consortium. There is a recently compiled listserv with an ILL contact list.

  • Information needed includes:

    • Current practices for e-resource ILL policies in CLO18 colleges

    • Is there interest in ILL at CLO 18 colleges?

    • Type of resources the colleges interested for ILL?

At this point, the proposal would focus on e-resources only and be restricted to the CLO18 colleges.

The subcommittee may want to reach out to UX committee to see if they have someone in ILL that has data on the most commonly shared resources, samples of ILL policies if they have anything on e-Resources.

ACTION ITEM: Cheryl will draft some thoughts around an ILL e-resource sharing pilot project proposal.

Deferred Items

  • OCLS strategy update (Nicole Morgan)

  • Mapping ERMA subscriptions and Alma collections document (Nicole/Liana)

  • Briefing Note Strategy Discussion (All)