2022-03-24 E-Resources Meeting Minutes


  • Leigh Cunningham (Chair), St. Lawrence College

  • Carol McNabb, Georgian College

  • Chris Woodley, Conestoga College

  • Nicole Morgan, OCLS

  • Joanne Qin, St. Clair College

  • Laura Holton, Fanshawe College

  • Lindsay Bontje, Humber College

  • Mary Anne Reinhard, Algonquin

  • Sarah Gillard, George Brown

  • Aura Hill, PMO

  • Liana Giovando, PMO


  • Cheryl Wardell, Fleming College

Action Items

Subcommittee members to test their resources on the spreadsheet. Add any ideas for instructions, tips, hints, etc. to https://clo-collaboration-spaces.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CI/pages/466812950.
Liana, Nicole and Aura to work on creating Confluence page to capture testing results/issues.
Leigh to set up optional E-resources working group session on Wed at 11:15 to discuss issues with your testing. It is not necessary to do all testing, but would be great to have some results to report.

Discussion Items

Subcommittee Chair Update (items from ISC)

Briefing Note Strategy Discussion (eResources Not in the Community Zone) - all

  • Recap: Subcommittee has created and prioritized

  • Exploring now creating import profiles and OCLS managing import profiles and records for collections in ERMA into NZ and it would be activated for colleges. When updates happen, OCLS will update records. The intention is to have everything in ERMA handled this way. If collection doesn’t have MARC record, OCLS will only create a database collection record, not full MARC.

  • For collections NOT in ERMA, it will likely be responsibility for colleges to import and load records themselves.

  • Once OCLS has workflow finalized, then the Briefing Note can be updated to reflect this plan.

  • There will be outliers where there are no MARC records and they are not in ERMA and colleges may want to share MARC records they have developed. Briefing note could have recommendation to create an open channel so colleges can share this information.

Test samples of e-resources - Guideline/Tip Sheet for Colleges

  • Everything on the spreadsheet should be working. The recommendation is for each subcommittee members to test their resources on the spreadsheet (not just 3).

ACTION ITEM: Subcommittee members to test their resources on the spreadsheet. Add any ideas for instructions, tips, hints, etc. to https://clo-collaboration-spaces.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CI/pages/466812950.

  • The suggested searches came from Nicole, but you can use your own.

  • It is recommended to try different browsers, on campus and off campus.

  • Colleges are having different experiences with results for testing so far. Not everything works as expected.

  • Carol was talking to Peter McIntyre and Films on Demand was an issue with Omni implementation as well. He was going to reach out to FOD to see if it is possible to get full MARC records for the FOD collections. If they are available, we would need to find out if Ex Libris would include in the CZ or would it be managed in NZ by OCLS.

  • There is a suggestion to make spreadsheet in Confluence to capture testing results with something like “Notes for Working” column (enter YES only) and Notes for Not Working column (more detailed note).

ACTION ITEM: Liana, Nicole and Aura to work on creating Confluence page to capture testing results/issues.

  • The results of subcommittee testing will guide if the subcommittee would aks more colleges to do testing.

  • Still would like to provide guidance to colleges about what to expect in terms of testing results and providing reassurance about what issues have been addressed.

  • OCLS working on communication about the duplicates and the reasons and provide more clarity about issues that have come up.

  • Discussion about testing will continue offline

ACTION ITEM: Leigh to set up optional E-resources working group session on Wed at 11:15 to discuss issues with your testing. It is not necessary to do all testing, but would be great to have some results to report.

Any other Business? (AoB)






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