2023-02-16 E-Resources Meeting Agenda
2023-02-16 E-Resources Meeting Agenda
Meeting canceled - rescheduled for February 16th, 1-2pm
Jess Bugorski (Chair), Fanshawe College
Carol McNabb, Georgian College
Sarah Gillard, George Brown
Cheryl Wardell, Fleming College
Chris Woodley, Conestoga College
Brenda Mahoney, Algonquin College
Lindsay Bontje, Humber College
Laura Holton, Fanshawe College
Cindy Rigg, Niagara College
Meg Tyrell, Mohawk College
Christine Chaisson, Mohawk
Nicole Morgan, OCLS
Liana Giovando, PMO
Lauren Rupert, Consultant
Action Items from Previous Meeting
All Committee members to take another read through the ERM Principles/Guidelines for NZ document and send approval by email. Respond to the original email sent by Nicole. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qotOUdtUgvOpxDj67fr5DDrEKDQA0g3PwwqhiWMb9OM/edit?usp=sharing
Chris to add screenshots the the Linking Paramaters Documentation from the college perspective https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qqR8WA5UT37N9a1c1oc3d7HX8k7CbfHwqbTmyQiRNxw/edit?usp=sharing
Discussion Items
Implementation Steering Committee update
Committee membership updates
eCampus Ontario open collections
Discoverability of package collections in the NZ
ERM principles/guidelines for the NZ
Linking parameters documentation