2022-01-20 E-Resources Meeting Minutes

2022-01-20 E-Resources Meeting Minutes


  • Leigh Cunningham (Chair), St. Lawrence College

  • Carol McNabb, Georgian College

  • Chris Woodley, Conestoga College

  • Nicole Morgan, OCLS

  • Joanne Qin, St. Clair College

  • Mary Anne Reinhard, Algonquin

  • Aura Hill, PMO

  • Liana Giovando, PMO


  • Lindsay Bontje, Humber College

  • Cheryl Wardell, Fleming College

  • Sarah Gillard, George Brown

  • Laura Holton, Fanshawe College

Action Items

Everyone to consider the two approaches under E-Resources Not in the Community Zone Briefing Note Strategy Consideration and be prepared to discuss in the next meeting.
@Nicole Morgan will update on OCLS strategy next meeting; @Aura Hill will add to the agenda
@Leigh Cunningham (Unlicensed) to invite Cheryl to do Resource Sharing presentation at next meeting

Discussion Items

Subcommittee Chair Update (items from ISC)

  • As part of the Risk Mitigation Plan, the https://clo-collaboration-spaces.atlassian.net/l/c/fWT1AjNJ is available.

  • There was discussion about Resource Sharing and recommendations to be developed by the Discovery/Front End/Customer Service subcommittee. This subcommittee may also be involved in this work.

  • Training, Communications & PR subcommittee is finalizing a branding firm to develop a name/logo.

  • Planning for updates and discussions for the next CLO meeting on Feb 1.

  • IT meetings are starting up next week about authentication.

  • Met/Cat subcommittee is working on standards for cataloguing within the consortium. They also used CUC to load records to the NZ and matching on the 035 field for matching.

  • SAD subcommittee is working on sharing of solutions for integration with SIS/xml field and recommendations for analytics.

  • Ex Libris Workshop is for staff that have completed Alma training so far. PMO is coordinating this workshop. This workshop is meant to facilitate the train-the-trainer approach. The TCPR committee is working on training for all staff which will probably involve a LibGuide.

Status of List of e-Resources NOT in Community Zone


The list has been updated to indicate if title-level metadata is available and provides enough information to start prioritizing which e-Resources to address first.

Briefing Note - Next Steps


The purpose of the briefing note is to recommend a workflow and management process for e-Resources NOT in community zone. The next planned step was to identify priority collections first using a survey in terms of prioritizing these e-Resources. However, this would be a massive survey and may not be the best method.

What are most important collections that need metadata upon Go Live? The suggestion is to prioritize in terms of number of subscriptions and they have metadata available (Y). Then communicate the colleges: Here’s the 5-10 that subcommittee has identified as number of subscribers and available metadata , is there anything else you want prioritized.

Records created in test environment will NOT be carried over after cutover, so this should be considered. Liana will ask Ex Libris if there is method to preserve this work.

The subcommittee created a short list of the top 15 e-Resources on the list based on the criteria. e-Resources will need to be looked at individually to identify an approach.

The idea of a template that colleges and OCLS use for creating database records is proposed and will be added to the Briefing Note.

E-Resources Not in the Community Zone Briefing Note Strategy Consideration

  1. OCLS does the work for shared e-Resources, creating import files, etc in the NZ

  2. e-Resources are assigned to different colleges to do the work and then uploaded to the NZ.

ACTION ITEM: Everyone to consider the two approaches under E-Resources Not in the Community Zone Briefing Note Strategy Consideration and be prepared to discuss in the next meeting.

Any other Business? (AoB)

Workflow for Trials (Carol): Activations by OCLS vs. local activations

Is there a need to workflow for trials (those handled by OCLS and workflow and those we handle ourselves). Nicole says OCLS is working on strategy on how they will work in the Network Zone (NZ) in terms of managing resources at a higher level. They will make a recommendation and trials will fall into that as well. OCLS will bring it to subcommittees.

ACTION ITEM: Nicole will update on OCLS strategy next meeting

Cheryl’s Presentation on Amigos Conference

At the Discovery/Front End/Customer Service subcommittee meeting, Cheryl gave a presentation on resource sharing from Amigos and the importance of negotiating for resource sharing at the vendor level. The subcommittee is discussing possible standard language on resource sharing in agreements.

ACTION ITEM: Leigh to invite Cheryl to do Resource Sharing presentation for this subcommittee.