2022-09-29 E-Resources Meeting Minutes


  • Leigh Cunningham (Chair), St. Lawrence College

  • Carol McNabb, Georgian College

  • Chris Woodley, Conestoga College

  • Nicole Morgan, OCLS

  • Lindsay Bontje, Humber College

  • Mary Anne Reinhard, Algonquin

  • Meg Tyrell, Mohawk

  • Laura Holton, Fanshawe College

  • Cheryl Wardell, Fleming College

  • Cindy Rigg, Niagara College

  • Liana Giovando, PMO

  • Aura Hill, PMO

  • Lauren Rupert, Consultant


  • Christine Chiasson, Mohawk

  • Joanne Qin, St. Clair College

  • Sarah Gillard, George Brown

Action Items

@Lindsay Bontje to create a briefing note for Identifying Best Practices for Setting up Deposit Account Funds in an Institution Zone - To be completed by the next committee meeting - Oct, 20 (can be discussed and approved by email)

Discussion Items

Future Governance of the Subcommittees

  • TCPR - the Training, Communications and PR subcommittee has officially ended, any future tasks that would have been completed by this subcommittee will be dealt with by the Page 1+ Steering Committee

  • UX - the User Experience subcommittee has officially ended, any future tasks that would have been completed by this subcommittee will be dealt with on a project-to-project basis

  • SAD - the Systems, Analytics, and Data Subcommittee meeting are still being held. A firm decision is yet to be made about the subcommittee but it appears that they will be absorbed into the Metrics and Assessment Steering Committee.

  • Met/Cat - the Metadata and Cataloguing subcommittee meetings are still being held, this subcommittee will be absorbed by the Metadata and Cataloguing Steering Committee in future.

  • This subcommittee has identified seven (7) important points that should be brought to the attention of the E-Resources Steering Committee in the event that this subcommittee is absorbed in future.

    • Ensure all recommendations made by this group (or future steering committee) are clear

    • Ensure that no work done by this subcommittee is lost when absorbed

    • Ensure that there is information added to the scope of the E-Resource Steering Committee; specifically around reviewing work and membership

    • Strike a project group of Rialto

    • Strike an interest/working group for Acquisitions

    • Ensure that the Deposit Account Briefing Note is finished and made public (this document will live with the new Acquisitions Interest Group)

    • In general: ensure there is strong communication and documentation for all working groups and committees. That there is a place to share this communication and any documentation from the institution level for all colleges to access (like the Alma & Primo LibGuide)

Any other Business? (AoB)





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