2022-06-15 MET/CAT Meeting Agenda


  1. Dijana Kladnjakovic (Co-Chair), Humber College

  2. Stacey Boileau (Co-Chair), OCLS

  3. Najeeb Ahmed, Humber College

  4. Irene Sillius, Sheridan College

  5. Carrie Cousineau, St. Lawrence College

  6. Mellissa Forget, St. Clair College

  7. Sarah Gillard, George Brown College

  8. Susan Lee, Conestoga College

  9. Rosina Leung, Seneca College

  10. Tiffany Miller, Confederation College

  11. Jasper Romo, Georgian College

  12. Mary-Margaret Mirtsos, Centennial College

  13. Angela Ashton, Lambton College

  14. Kent Reynolds, Niagara College

  15. Danielle Emon, Consultant

  16. Liana Giovando, OCLS

  17. Aura Hill, OCLS

  18. Lauren Rupert, Consultant (Guest)



Action Items from Previous Meeting

@Dijana Kladnjakovic to bring https://clo-collaboration-spaces.atlassian.net/l/c/JWd27m2B to the ISC at the following meeting (not the directly upcoming meeting on 2022-06-09)
Everyone to review the applicable fields for the IZ and NZ
IZ/NZ linking Instructions and Guidelines Working Group

Discussion Items










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