2022-05-04 Met/Cat Meeting Minutes

2022-05-04 Met/Cat Meeting Minutes


  1. Dijana Kladnjakovic (Co-Chair), Humber College

  2. Stacey Boileau (Co-Chair), OCLS

  3. Irene Sillius, Sheridan College

  4. Carrie Cousineau, St. Lawrence College

  5. Tiffany Miller, Confederation College

  6. Mary-Margaret Mirtsos, Centennial College

  7. Najeeb Ahmed, Humber College

  8. Angela Ashton, Lambton College

  9. Danielle Emon, Consultant

  10. Liana Giovando, OCLS

  11. Aura Hill, OCLS

Guest: Lauren Rupert, OCLS


  1. Rosina Leung, Seneca College

  2. Kit Robertson, Northern College

  3. Mellissa Forget, St. Clair College

  4. Sarah Gillard, George Brown College

  5. Susan Lee, Conestoga College

  6. Callen Retter, Confederation College

  7. Jasper Romo, Georgian College

  8. Kent Reynolds, Niagara College

Action Items

@Dijana Kladnjakovic@Stacey Boileau to update streaming video standards in the new table by Friday May 6 and share with group, as well as a new tab for streaming audio standards.
Everyone review and respond to new streaming video standards in table by Wed May 11.
For all subcommittee members:
  1. Compare bibliographic minimum standards for streaming audio with Primo VE requirements and see if we are matching the Primo VE requirements. Identify any specific differences.

  2. Review streaming audio records, if any, in Audio Cine Films, Curio, and Criterion on Demand, - and see what is being done on top of the minimum standards on a local level.

  3. Use the Backgrounder on Minimum Bibliographic Standards and https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Primo/Product_Documentation/020Primo_VE/Primo_VE_(English)/120Other_Configurations/Mapping_to_the_Display%2C_Facets%2C_and_Search_Sections_in_the_Primo_VE_Record#Resource_Type_Mapping for your comparison.

  4. Please capture notes/results/recommendations in the shared Excel/Google doc on the appropriate tab.

@Dijana Kladnjakovic to share results of review of OCLC records. Everyone to review and prepare for discussion at next meeting.

Discussion Items

Subcommittee Chair Update from ISC

Results of comparison bibliographic minimum standards for the streaming video with Primo VE requirements

  • Confederation is already aware that their records will not meet minimum standards. They would like to update records following Sheridan standards. They have looked at Sheridan records and those records are meeting minimum standards and Primo VE requirements, and the same for 3 collections reviewed.

  • Primo VE needs 6th and 7th character in leader and that is part of OCLS minimum standards, then the record will appear as “streaming” in Primo VE.

  • Danielle provides Ex Libris link with info about Primo VE requirements: https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Alma/Product_Documentation/010Alma_Online_Help_(English)/010Getting_Started/050Alma_User_Interface_%E2%80%93_General_Information/Searching_in_Alma#Rules_Used_to_Create_the_Resource_Type_Field_MARC_21_KORMARC_and_UNIMARC (does not cover match points, subject headings, etc. that still need to be considered)

    • They may also need to require 008 pos. 29=o,s,q (Sheridan has included this as well).

  • Dijana shows comparison table between CUC minimum standards and Primo VE recommendations to highlight the differences, such as new requirements, new options that need to be decided upon.

  • The subcommittee may want to focus on requirements, on what must a record have to be made, due to timelines. For example:

    • Using categories of Mandatory and Recommended

    • Mandatory could include leaders and subject headings, 008/29 as required, and 008/23 for streamed audio

    • Fields that are mandatory could be fields that are responsive to the user interface, that allow users to Find, Identify, Search & Obtain - improve the user experience.

  • The presentation of the standards could be done several ways. It is suggested to create the content first and then create a tool.

  • The subcommittee will use the CUC Requirement Excel table as starting point for developing content, but create separate tabs for different format types (print, streaming video, etc.) and adding column for Primo requirements/standards.

ACTION ITEM: Dijana and Stacey to enter streaming video standards in the new table by Friday and share with group.

ACTION ITEM: Everyone review and respond to new streaming video standards in table by Wed May 11.

ACTION ITEM: Everyone to do another record comparison like last week, but this time for streaming audio and use the table for your notes/results/recommendations.

  • A match point also needs to be recommended. Using 035 as a match point seems to be the best choice.

  • Alma will automatically create 035 by taking 003, put in brackets and put in front of 001 to make 035

  • Need to document that Alma creates 035 automatically (and how), as well as what happens if the 001 or 003 is blank. The recommendation is not to load records with blank fields. Also may need to consider what if the title is duplicated.

Evaluation of Connexion - Test Results

  • Dijana has some OCLC records in variety of formats with comparison results. The results table highlights show what is missing in terms of minimum requirements

  • Next steps: see if Sarah also have results to share, review results, and decide if it is a good source in Alma that the consortium would be useful/like to use.

ACTION ITEMS: Dijana will share results of review of OCLC records. Everyone to review and prepare for discussion at next meeting.

Any other business

ACTION ITEM: Aura to make meetings 90 mins











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