2022-09-21 Met/Cat Meeting Minutes

2022-09-21 Met/Cat Meeting Minutes


  1. Dijana Kladnjakovic (Co-Chair), Humber College

  2. Stacey Boileau (Co-Chair), OCLS

  3. Mellissa Forget, St. Clair College

  4. Mary-Margaret Mirtsos, Centennial College

  5. Carrie Cousineau, St. Lawrence College

  6. Susan Lee, Conestoga College

  7. Irene Sillius, Sheridan College

  8. Angela Ashton, Lambton College

  9. Kathleen Lindsay, Georgian College

  10. Katie Lai, Algonquin College

  11. Venessa Koch, Mohawk College

  12. Danielle Emon, Consultant

  13. Liana Giovando, OCLS

  14. Aura Hill, OCLS

  15. Lauren Rupert, Consultant (Guest)


  1. Tiffany Millar, Confederation College

  2. Najeeb Ahmed, Humber College

  3. Kent Reynolds, Niagara College

  4. Sarah Gillard, George Brown College

  5. Rosina Leung, Seneca College

Action Items

@Aura Hill and @Lauren Rupert to add the resource types and faceting links, and relevant text, into the LibGuide
@Lauren Rupert to add 050 and 090 into the LibGuide where they are missing (Video Streaming, Audio Streaming, Serials, eSerials, Databases, Audio CD, Audio Cassette, DVD)
@Aura Hill and @Lauren Rupert to move the Network Zone and Local Fields Best Practices page onto the LibGuide.

Discussion Items

Subcommittee Chair Update from Implementation Steering Committee (Dijana)

e-Resrouces Subcommittee - The e-Resrouces subcommittee is wrapping up its work. They are currently helping OCLS to troubleshoot e-Resource access issues. Working on making guidelines for e-Resource management.
The e-Resrouces subcommittee may be absorbed into the pre-existing e-Resrouces committee. At present, they are comparing their terms of reference to see if the amalgamation would be the most beneficial course of action.

Systems, Analytics, and Data subcommittee - The SAD subcommittee are working on creating guidelines for the Alma Sandboxes - these guidelines will ensure that all 20 colleges can make use of the Sandboxes without interfering with other institutions' projects.
This subcommittee is also working on an analytics-specific project. The members of the subcommittee are looking at the best pre-existing reports available in Alma that can be used for fulfilling CLO Annual reports. They are also looking into which reports can be mortified to serve the same purpose. These reports will be put into a shared folder that colleges can use for their own data and reports. This is an ongoing project.

User Experience subcommittee - The User Experience subcommittee has passed a briefing note in regards to the recommendation of suppressing offensive Library of Congress terms in Alma and Primo VE. These recommendations are accompanied by a list of recommended terms from MAIN - these terms are not conclusive, nor are they considered more important than others. They were picked as a starting point and can be expanded on.

Training, Communication, & PR subcommittee - The TCPR subcommittee is reviewing its terms of reference and looking at future governance.

Walk-Through tour of Bookwhere (Kathleen Lindsay)

  • Thank you to Kathleen Linsday for providing a walk-through of the Bookwhere software and answering relevant questions.

  • Questions generated from the walk-through included:

    • The accuracy and quality of records

    • How record scores are calculated in Bookwhere

    • How field editing occurs, as well as adding and subtracting fields

    • The options for batch editing

    • Overall functionality

  • Kathleen has offered to provide more instances of Bookwhere walkthroughs or one-on-one question answering periods for those who still have questions.

Record Templates questions (Stacey)

001/003 is not required when originally cataloguing and should not be included in Print Book Template or AudioBook or Streamed Video?

  • 001/003 are tools to harvest the vendor code and title ID for the 035 fields upon import. This is best shown when there is a vendor file available; in addition, you can overlay newer vendor files to keep vendor records updated.

  • This is especially useful for import profiles for electronic resources

  • This subcommittee has agreed that the 001/003 fields are not required in records where original cataloguing or instances of one-off cataloguing are taking place.

035 OCLC change from REQUIRED to RECOMMENDED? Instructions for an originally catalogued matchpoint?

  • This field has to be populated by an ISBN or ISSN.

  • This field cannot be populated by an 035 legacy number.

  • This subcommittee has agreed that the 035 fields be taken out when original cataloguing is taking place.

For 1XX, 6XX fields and 7XX fields, do you want all fields, or do you want the most used with instruction to see the guide?

  • This subcommittee has decided that all fields should remain with their instructions in the guide.

CLO Metadata Standard Guide - Should we have a link out for the Primo resource type and faceting? Questions regarding original cataloguing ISSN as a requirement, 090 and 050?

  • There will be a link concerning resource type and faceting included on the CLO Metadata Standards LibGuide page. It will be included in the overview section of the pages rather than specific links within the table.

    • ACTION ITEM: @Aura Hill and @Lauren Rupert to add the resource types and faceting links, and relevant text, into the LibGuide

  • ACTION ITEM: @Lauren Rupert to add 050 and 090 into the LibGuide where they are missing (Video Streaming, Audio Streaming, Serials, eSerials, Databases, Audio CD, Audio Cassette, DVD)

  • ACTION ITEM: @Aura Hill and @Lauren Rupert to move the Network Zone and Local Fields Best Practices page onto the LibGuide.

Review Draft Resource Management (Cataloguing & Acquisitions) Workflows (Danielle)

  • This particular workflow pertains to adding bibliographic data to Alma (mainly on the fly). The workflow includes instructions on what to do when you are original cataloguing with the most complete to least complete information.

  • Danielle provided a walkthrough of the workflow.

  • Danielle hopes for this workflow to be published later this week

  • Next steps: A discussion on workflow management needs to be made (who should have the original, how often updates/reviews should take place, etc.)

Discuss Management and Roles within Shared Page 1+ Workflows (Liana)

  • Suggested that Workflow management and roles be written into new subcommittees/committees' terms of reference moving forward.

  • Management and roles would include information on:

    • Where workflows will live (originals and public copies)

    • Who will update

    • How often will workflows be updated (schedule)

    • How do we plan on ending the creation of workflows (at what point is the requirement for workflows satisfied)

NZ/IZ Linking (Danielle)

  • The NZ/IZ Linking document is another workflow coming soon! Danielle is happy to announce that it is almost ready/here to be presented.

Presenting the CLO Metadata Standards, Alma Templates & Shared Workflows to Page 1+ Members

  • We are planning to introduce the Cataloguing Suite of Services to Page 1+ members on October 4th.

    • This will include the CLO Metadata Standards, Alma Templates & Shared Workflows.

  • The subcommittee has approved this idea and agrees it is a feasible date to present by

  • A special meeting will be scheduled before the presentation date to organize the presentation order and contents (Danielle, Stacey, Aura and Dijana)

  • Suggested that we ask individuals in attendance if there are any other tools they want to be offered that we have not yet made available.

Any other business?


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