2022-03-17 Met/Cat Meeting Minutes

2022-03-17 Met/Cat Meeting Minutes


  1. Dijana Kladnjakovic (Co-Chair), Humber College

  2. Stacey Boileau (Co-Chair), OCLS

  3. Irene Sillius, Sheridan College

  4. Melissa Forget, St. Clair College

  5. Sarah Gillard, George Brown College

  6. Carrie Cousineau, St. Lawrence College

  7. Susan Lee, Conestoga College

  8. Mary-Margaret Mirtsos, Centennial College

  9. Liana Giovando, OCLS

  10. Aura Hill, OCLS


  1. Najeeb Ahmed, Humber College

  2. Angela Ashton, Lambton College

  3. Tiffany Miller, Confederation College

  4. Rosina Leung, Seneca College

  5. Kit Robertson, Northern College

  6. Callen Retter, Confederation College

  7. Jasper Romo, Georgian College

Action Items

@Stacey Boileau@Dijana Kladnjakovic ​to develop briefing note and circulate via email
@Stacey Boileau ​to update the Consortial Treatment of LC Subject Headings BN and share with the ISC for approval.
@Dijana Kladnjakovic will create reference tool/table based on information in Excel and circulate to subcommittee for feedback.
@Sarah Gillard will add 986 information to the Excel document
@Dijana Kladnjakovic to draft briefing note with overarching statement proposal and share with Discovery subcommittee.
@Dijana Kladnjakovic will talk to ISC about evaluation and research of Connexion as tool to support minimum standards.
@Susan Lee and @Sarah Gillard will evaluate pick a few records and see if they are meeting the standards of the document (use different formats and compare full records) by April 1.
@Aura Hill to send out Doodle poll for Met/Cat subcommittee meeting before March 31

Discussion Items

Local Tagging

Thanks for completing the Excel. Dijana have enough information to start building Reference Tool table. It is noted to that there is a question from Georgian about guidance on how to use local fields 950-999 so creating the tool is needed.

Preference for Orbis Cascade vs SUNY documentation

Preference between Orbis and SUNY. Majority like the look of SUNY, but the content from Orbis. More detail is better. Stacey likes that Orbis is on an online platform, easier to maintain and update, like the level of detail, not just what you need to do, but why and provides other consideration. Irene concerned that it is too much information for not-expert cataloguers - more of a directive and less why or when. Dijana will try to strike a balance and circulate for feedback.

ACTION ITEM: Dijana will create reference tool/table based on information in Excel and circulate to subcommittee for feedback.

Feedback on specific fields

Basecamp post about 996 field. The 996 repeatable field was being used by Sirsi consortium for resource format information. After migration to Alma, you can only see first 996. There are different options for making sure all 996 information is included depending on what the colleges want visible in Alma/Primo.

ACTION ITEM: Dijana will create proposal for 996 in the table and then subcommittee can provide feedback.

Consider that 546 (language and captions) should be part of minimum standards and potentially involving French-language college representatives. Are there issues in French that need to be identified? The subcommittee will keep this in mind going forward.

Sarah mentions that she heard that 986 may be used for identifying Indigenous authors.

ACTION ITEM: Sarah will add 986 information to the Excel document

Including other local fields

The reference tool will be a living document. There will be a process for changes to be submitted to subcommittee and they will review suggestions and update table as needed.

Next steps

Dijana will creates draft reference tool, share with subcommittee for review. The subcommittee will meet to finalize and then share tool with ISC at March 31 meeting.

ACTION ITEM: Aura to send out Doodle poll for Met/Cat subcommittee meeting before March 31

Post Go Live Governance

There is a need for a group to maintain this minimum standards work after Go Live, but how it will be structured is still to be determined.

Over-arching Statement

Dijana suggests adding a permanent over-arching statement to cover all protected grounds of discrimination that would sit in Primo so all users can see it.

The statement would say something like the vocab of subject heading can be offensive and we recognized this and are working to update them.

Humber already has an over-arching statement on their search function, developed by metadata, policy, HR committees.

ACTION ITEMS: Dijana to draft briefing note with overarching statement proposal and share with Discovery subcommittee.

e-Resources List

A list of certain e-resource collections that will be maintained in the NZ will be brought to this subcommittee to discuss standards for records but it is not ready yet.

Connexion subscription

New/inexperience catalogers or libraries that don’t have enough resources may have issues with meeting minimum standards. There are tools that libraries can use to obtain records that meet the minimum standards via a subscription and if the subcommittee thinks it is a need, using Connexion.

Copy cataloging: Northern (no subscription), Conestoga, St. Clair, St. Lawrence, Humber, St Lawrence; Sheridan (no subscription - too expensive, also some original); Centennial

GBC uses smartport, does not find Connexion particularly helpful.

LAC uses Connexion. Can only get access to LAC if a member of OCLC.

There could be central funding for supporting a tool that ensures the quality of the records via OCLS. The subcommittee would like to do some research and evaluation of Connexion to the minimum standards already established (see Backgrounder on Minimum Bibliographic Standards)

OCLS will likely need to have conversation with OCLC in terms of consortial possibilities.

Alma also provides a list of possible search targets - could be a good free alternative.

Configuring Search

ACTION ITEM: Dijana will talk to ISC about evaluation and research of Connexion.

ACTION ITEM: Susan Lee and Sarah Gillard will evaluate pick a few records and see if they are meeting the standards of the document (use different formats and compare full records) by April 1.

Any other business

May 20 cutoff date for data extracts - reason that it is so early?

Colleges may have a backload of material to be catalogued due to May 20 cutoff. For test load, OCLS pulled all data extracts with same approach so less time was needed. Preferences for cut over data extracts will be detailed and very specific, the early date is to allow for enough time for OCLS to create unique customizations for each college data extract and test them if needed.

Sheridan volunteered to help provide records for the NZ, as well as Humber.







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