2022-06-01 Met/Cat Meeting Minutes
- 1 Attendees
- 1.1 Regrets
- 2 Action Items
- 3 Discussion Items
- 3.1 Subcommittee Chair Update from ISC
- 3.2 Connexion Briefing Note and come with any questions for a brief review
- 3.3 A brief discussion around removing the ‘minimum’ from ‘minimum standards’
- 3.4 Standards review cont’d.: Book, eBook, AudioBook
- 3.5 Review OCLS Metadata Management Service Proposal
- 3.6 Deferred Items:
Dijana Kladnjakovic (Co-Chair), Humber College
Stacey Boileau (Co-Chair), OCLS
Irene Sillius, Sheridan College
Mellissa Forget, St. Clair College
Susan Lee, Conestoga College
Tiffany Miller, Confederation College
Mary-Margaret Mirtsos, Centennial College
Kent Reynolds, Niagara College
Danielle Emon, Consultant
Liana Giovando, OCLS
Aura Hill, OCLS
Lauren Rupert, Consultant (Guest)
Najeeb Ahmed, Humber College
Jasper Romo, Georgian College
Angela Ashton, Lambton College
Rosina Leung, Seneca College
Sarah Gillard, George Brown College
Carrie Cousineau, St. Lawrence College
Action Items
Discussion Items
Subcommittee Chair Update from ISC
UX: https://clo-collaboration-spaces.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CIS/pages/474349571 was passed and they are working on draft Briefing Note on Suppressing Subject Headings as suggested by Met/Cat.
Connexion Briefing Note and come with any questions for a brief review
https://clo-collaboration-spaces.atlassian.net/l/c/zF8hPMN7 recommends that OCLS look into obtaining a full cataloging subscription to Connexion to assist with maintaining quality records, to improve match points, and also to provide access to LAC and National Union Catalogue.
The subcommittee does not have any additional feedback on the briefing note and agrees to send to the ISC for approval.
ACTION ITEM: Dijana to bring the https://clo-collaboration-spaces.atlassian.net/l/c/zF8hPMN7 to the next ISC meeting.
A brief discussion around removing the ‘minimum’ from ‘minimum standards’
The proposal is to not use “Minimum” in the title of the standards as these are the standards for NZ, IZ and in general bibliographic records. This will reduce confusion related to “Minimum” as there are both required and recommended standards as set up currently.
The subcommittee agrees that the title should be College Libraries Ontario Metadata Standards to reflect the collaborative nature of the standards and that they should apply to all CLO colleges.
ACTION ITEM: Dijana will prepopulate for all other material types in the spreadsheet and email to all members.
ACTION ITEM: Everyone to review remaining tabs in the spreadsheet before next meeting and put comments in Notes column.
Standards review cont’d.: Book, eBook, AudioBook
The subcommittee reviewed the Book and eBook tabs in the Standards spreadsheet (Standards review spreadsheet).
Changes and updates are captured in the document itself.
It is agreed that “Required” refers to standards that are required for the bib record to function in the system and “Recommended” are standards related to creating a higher quality record.
Review OCLS Metadata Management Service Proposal
The service proposal describes OCLS’s role with regards for metadata management and provides a backbone for shared cataloguing practices. Stacey summarized the proposal and requested feedback from the subcommittee as they are involved with developing metadata standards.
OCLS would act as a central body that actively supports metadata consistency including development and maintenance of high-quality, shared records in conjunction with a standing Metadata Subcommittee.
The service proposal has a detailed list of activities for consideration by the colleges.
One question is raised about if OCLS would set standards for out of scope activities if they still have an impact on others.
Another question is raised about how colleges will know if their IZ record can be placed in the NZ and it does not meet the Metadata Standards. More work is still being done in this area.
ACTION ITEM: Review OCLS Metadata Management Service Proposal and email Stacey and cc group with questions or feedback.
ACTION ITEM: Aura to change meeting schedule to weekly meetings as the subcommittee needs more frequent meetings for the amount of work required.
Deferred Items:
Decision to set brief record rules in the NZ that will dictate the minimum required fields necessary in order for a new record to be contributed to the NZ (if a match is not found when running the linking job).
Questions that came out of Study Group:
Would like clarity on relationship between Local Tagging - Manual Bib Edits May Be Required, Network Zone and Local Fields Best Practices and Briefing Note 06 - Consortial Treatment of LC Subject Headings
Is there impact to colleges Migration Form?
Is moving 650 to 690 enough to preserve local heading or do we need another process to create a local authority file in the NZ (so other colleges could use subject headings)?
Planning for session on local fields and cataloguing in the consortium
Any other business