2022-10-19 Met/Cat Meeting Agenda


  1. Dijana Kladnjakovic (Co-Chair), Humber College

  2. Stacey Boileau (Co-Chair), OCLS

  3. Mary-Margaret Mirtsos, Centennial College

  4. Carrie Cousineau, St. Lawrence College

  5. Irene Sillius, Sheridan College

  6. Angela Ashton, Lambton College

  7. Kathleen Lindsay, Georgian College

  8. Katie Lai, Algonquin College

  9. Venessa Koch, Mohawk College

  10. Sarah Walker, Confederation College

  11. Mellissa Forget, St. Clair College

  12. Susan Lee, Conestoga College

  13. Tiffany Millar, Confederation College

  14. Najeeb Ahmed, Humber College

  15. Kent Reynolds, Niagara College

  16. Sarah Gillard, George Brown College

  17. Rosina Leung, Seneca College

  18. Danielle Emon, Consultant

  19. Liana Giovando, OCLS

  20. Aura Hill, OCLS

  21. Lauren Rupert, Consultant (Guest)



Action Items from Previous Meeting

@Lauren Rupert to add the 008/18-19 for audio streaming, audio CD, audio cassette, 33rpm to LibGuide
@Lauren Rupert to make Video Games, 33rpm, Loose Leaf, Physical Object, and Kit publicly visible
@Lauren Rupert to delete Coming Soon pages for: Video Games, 33rpm, Loose Leaf, Physical Object, and Kit
@Lauren Rupert to add the following material types to the LibGuide: Map, Film, VHS, Website
@Stacey Boileau to fix the 504/546 order in the book record template.
@Stacey Boileau to make a clarification in the streaming record templates. The 33 field needs to be separate lines - otherwise, it will double up
@Stacey Boileau to work on the next record templates: Databases - eBooks - Serials, Journals, and Periodicals - DVD - Loose Leaf
@Liana Giovando to create meeting invites for meetings moving forward

Discussion Items

  • Subcommittee Chair Update from Implementation Steering Committee (Dijana)

  • Review CLO Metadata Standards Excel Sheet - Resolve Yellow Tabs

  • CLO Metadata Standards (Lauren)

  • Discuss “Quick Reference Tools” for the LibGuides

  • Discuss cataloguing examples for the LibGuide

  • Next record templates (Stacey)

  • Any other business?




Future Meetings

  • This group will continue to meet - we intend to keep the same day, time, frequency, and length of meetings

CLO Page 1+ Cataloguing Program

  • Link to Cataloguing Program (10/03/22) meeting: CLO Page 1+ Cataloguing Program

  • Continue the call out for resources or tools that people need - if there is anything that you think we need to add.




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