2022-04-20 Met/Cat Meeting Minutes

2022-04-20 Met/Cat Meeting Minutes


  1. Dijana Kladnjakovic (Co-Chair), Humber College

  2. Stacey Boileau (Co-Chair), OCLS

  3. Irene Sillius, Sheridan College

  4. Mellissa Forget, St. Clair College

  5. Carrie Cousineau, St. Lawrence College

  6. Susan Lee, Conestoga College

  7. Tiffany Miller, Confederation College

  8. Mary-Margaret Mirtsos, Centennial College

  9. Angela Ashton, Lambton College

  10. Danielle Emon, Consultant

  11. Liana Giovando, OCLS

  12. Aura Hill, OCLS


  1. Jasper Romo, Georgian College

  2. Najeeb Ahmed, Humber College

  3. Sarah Gillard, George Brown College

  4. Rosina Leung, Seneca College

  5. Kit Robertson, Northern College

  6. Callen Retter, Confederation College

  7. Kent Reynolds, Niagara College

Action Items

For all subcommittee members:
  1. Compare bibliographic minimum standards for the audiovisual area with Primo VE requirements and see if we are matching the Primo VE requirements. Identify any specific differences.

  2. Review and pay specific attention to 3 collections, Audio Cine Films, Curio, and Criterion on Demand - and see what is being done on top of the minimum standards on a local level.

Use the Backgrounder on Minimum Bibliographic Standards and https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Primo/Product_Documentation/020Primo_VE/Primo_VE_(English)/120Other_Configurations/Mapping_to_the_Display%2C_Facets%2C_and_Search_Sections_in_the_Primo_VE_Record#Resource_Type_Mapping for your comparison.

Email the group or comment below with your findings to whole group by April 29. Stacey and Dijana will prepare summary of findings by May 4.

@Dijana Kladnjakovic will reach out to Sarah Gillard as she raised possible concern with this move and finalize the Network Zone and Local Fields Best Practices table.
@Dijana Kladnjakovic will bring the findings on OCLC records via Connexion to the next meeting.

Discussion Items

Review proposed e-Resources and Acquisitions Briefing Note:


The E-Resources/Acquisitions subcommittee has identified priority collections (multiple colleges, MARC records available) that are not in the Community Zone. This Briefing Note gives responsibility to OCLS for managing import profiles that will help create these records. The Met/Cat Subcommittee will have a role in identifying minimum bibliographic standards that can used by OCLS when importing records and providing ongoing review of record collections in NZ to give feedback on quality.

There is no additional feedback on the briefing note. It will be brought to the ISC for approval tomorrow

Reviewing Records for Minimum Standards

This is the list of the proposed priority:

  1. Audio Cine Films (ACF): Acquiring MARCs in process (eRes team) 

  2. Curio: Acquiring MARCs in process (eRes team) 

  3. Criterion on Demand: Import profile in process (Metadata team) 

  4. McIntyre Media: Which eresource exactly? under investigation (NM) 

  5. Safetyhub: New to this list 20220412 /MARCs under initial evaluation (Acq/E-Res Subcom)

For Audio Cine Films (ACF), Curio, and Criterion on Demand, the subcommittee will need to review standards using selected collections identified to tell us if there is anything beyond minimum bib standards that OCLS should be aware of when creating import profiles.

Irene has records for Audio Cine Films (ACF), Curio, and Criterion on Demand. Humber has these records as well. It is best to start with most complex records, so the subcommittee will start with reviewing streamed video records.

ACTION ITEM: For all subcommittee members:

1. Compare bibliographic minimum standards for the audiovisual area with Primo VE requirements and see if we are matching the Primo VE requirements. Identify any specific differences.

2. Review and pay specific attention to 3 collections, Audio Cine Films, Curio, and Criterion on Demand - and see what is being done on top of the minimum standards on a local level.

Use the Backgrounder on Minimum Bibliographic Standards and https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Primo/Product_Documentation/020Primo_VE/Primo_VE_(English)/120Other_Configurations/Mapping_to_the_Display%2C_Facets%2C_and_Search_Sections_in_the_Primo_VE_Record#Resource_Type_Mapping for your comparison.

Email the group or comment below with your findings to whole group by April 29. Stacey and Dijana will prepare summary of findings by May 4.

Q&A on Local Tagging

The table Network Zone and Local Fields Best Practices needs to be finalized and there’s a question outstanding about moving content from 986 to 695. The subcommittee agrees with recommending 695 as standard over 986.

ACTION ITEM: Dijana will reach out to Sarah Gillard as she raised possible concern with this move and finalize the Network Zone and Local Fields Best Practices table.

Evaluation of Connexion

Unfortunately, Susan does not have access to Connexion. Sarah is not present. Dijana is also arranging for a review at Humber to compare their new and old records with OCLC records in terms of meeting minimum standards. Stacey recommends reviewing 20 records for a good evaluation.

ACTION ITEM: Dijana will bring their findings on OCLC records via Connexion to the next meeting.

Serial Control

For information about serial control field at the local level, use unrestricted local use fields 990-999.


Brief record rules in the NZ

  • Decision to set brief record rules in the NZ that will dictate the minimum required fields necessary in order for a new record to be contributed to the NZ (if a match is not found when running the linking job).

  • The subcommittee agrees there will be a need for guidelines for adding records to Network Zone.

Planning for session on local fields and cataloguing in the consortium

Liana suggests that Met/Cat hosts a session (possible at Tuesday meeting) to teach CLSP community about the minimum standards and how to ensure their records meet the standards. This would be later on in June or July.











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