2022-10-18 Meeting Minutes

2022-10-18 Meeting Minutes


  1. Jessica Bugorski (Co-Chair)

  2. Julie Mandal (Subcommittee Chair – User Experience)

  3. Jane Burpee (Subcommittee Chair – Training/Communications/PR)

  4. Virginia Roy (OCLS)

  5. Liana Giovando (Project Manager)

  6. Thomas Guignard (OCLS)

  7. Lauren Rupert (OCLS)


  1. John Ellis (Co-Chair)

  2. Dijana Kladnjakovic (Subcommittee Co-Chair – Metadata/Cataloging)

  3. Gordana Vitez (Subcommittee Chair - Systems/Analytics/Data)

  4. Leigh Cunningham (Subcommittee Chair – eResources/Acquisitions)

Action Items

@Liana Giovando to reach out to MetCat/eRAcq/SAD Subcommittee Chairs to express the need for the Subcommittees to continue meeting.
All Subcommittee Chairs to prepare a one-pager of recommendations for CLO on what roles and responsibilities of the Subcommittee need to be continued in the long-term for Page 1+ Governance. (Tentative due date of November 4th, however; this can be flexible)

Discussion Items

Subcommittee Chair Updates

Systems, Analytics and Date: The SAD subcommittee continues to work on the Shared Analytics Reports Folder Guidelines.

There are no other subcommittee meeting since the ISC meeting last week.

A need for continued Subcommittee work and guidance has been identified for the Metadata & Cataloguing Subcommittee, the eResources and Acquisitions Subcommittee and the Systems, Analytics and Data Subcommittee.

ACTION ITEM: @Liana Giovando will reach out to Metadata and Cataloguing, eResources and Acquisitions, and the Systems, Analytics and Data Subcommittee Chairs to express the need for the Subcommittees to continue meeting.

OCLS Update (Virginia)

OCLS is assessing costs for services and comparing past to expected future costs. OCLS is working on a memo to point out key differences asap. In December each college will receive a deeper analysis of costs for the individual college.

OCLS will prepare brief recommendations for CLO committee/working group roles and activities as they impact OCLS services in preparation for the Nov 30th planning meeting.

Subcommittee Chair reports to CLO with recommendations for important activities, roles and responsibilities that need to be continued

ACTION ITEM: Each Subcommittee Chair will prepare a one-pager of recommendations for CLO on what roles and responsibilities of the Subcommittee need to be continued in the long-term for Page 1+ Governance. (Tentative due date of November 4th, however; this can be flexible)

If you need assistance brainstorming or drafting your page, please contact Liana

Page 1+ Steering Committee (Page Turners)

Draft Page 1+ Committee and Working Group Structure Post-Go-Live | Page 1+ Steering Committee (Page Turners)

The updated list of activities for the proposed Page 1+ Steering Committee is still overwhelming and likely to scare away any potential new volunteers.

Suggestions made by the committee:

  • Provide a support framework (specifically commitment)

  • Identifying the nature of activities (ongoing vs cyclical)

  • Identify what items are new and what are already being done

This will be included in the agenda for next week so that ISC members may work on refining the proposed list of activities.

Project/Working Group Planning

Project priority should be identified so that college staff are not overburdened by multiple projects taking place at the same time. The Alma Digital Implementation, Enabling Physical Resource Sharing in Alma, and Realto Integrations are three examples or projects that may need to be coordinated so that staff in each college are not being asked to do too much at once.

The ISC will need more details of the proposed projects, including demand, staff time required and timelines before it is possible to determine project priority.


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