2022-11-08 Meeting Agenda


  1. Jessica Bugorski (Co-Chair)

  2. John Ellis (Co-Chair)

  3. Dijana Kladnjakovic (Subcommittee Co-Chair – Metadata/Cataloging)

  4. Gordana Vitez (Subcommittee Chair - Systems/Analytics/Data)

  5. Leigh Cunningham (Subcommittee Chair – eResources/Acquisitions)

  6. Julie Mandal (Subcommittee Chair – User Experience)

  7. Jane Burpee (Subcommittee Chair – Training/Communications/PR)

  8. Virginia Roy (OCLS)

  9. Liana Giovando (Project Manager)

  10. Thomas Guignard (OCLS)

  11. Lauren Rupert (OCLS)



Action Items from Previous Meeting

All Subcommittee Chairs to prepare a one-pager of recommendations for CLO on what roles and responsibilities of the Subcommittee need to be continued in the long-term for Page 1+ Governance. (Tentative due date of November 4th, however; this can be flexible)
@Jess Bugorski and @John Ellis to canvas people's intentions going forward to establish - this will help us establish membership steps
@vroy and @Liana Giovando to investigate if OCLS will be doing Network Zone purchasing for the colleges

Discussion Items