2022-11-01 Meeting Minutes
Jessica Bugorski (Co-Chair)
Leigh Cunningham (Subcommittee Chair – eResources/Acquisitions)
Julie Mandal (Subcommittee Chair – User Experience)
Jane Burpee (Subcommittee Chair – Training/Communications/PR)
Virginia Roy (OCLS)
Liana Giovando (Project Manager)
Thomas Guignard (OCLS)
Lauren Rupert (OCLS)
John Ellis (Co-Chair)
Gordana Vitez (Subcommittee Chair - Systems/Analytics/Data)
Dijana Kladnjakovic (Subcommittee Co-Chair – Metadata/Cataloging)
Action Items
Discussion Items
Subcommittee Chair Updates
E-Resrouces/Acquisitions: There is a new member being added to the E-Resources/Aquisition's Subcommittee later this week.
Systems, Analytics, and Data: The Systems, Analytics, and Data Subcommittee are working on their one pager.
This subcommittee is also working to produce a briefing note about analytics reports sharing guidelines; this briefing note will be distributed to members of this committee via email for review and approval.
No other subcommittee updates
OCLS Update (Virginia)
When constructing the ‘one-pager’ documents about subcommittee activity it is important that you discuss the contents with OCLS. By working together, we ensure that good ‘cross-pollination’ takes place ensuring that all pertinent information is covered
Virginia has been working with the E-Resouces steering committee on their briefing note. This has been focusing on what can carry on, what the committee brings to the table. Similar collaboration is taking place with the Metrics and Assessment committee. This committee is also investigating how to evolve the Met/Cat subcommittee and identify where it will fit going forward
A LEAP summary is also being constructed for the CLO Committee. The intention is to provide all relevant information to reflect the spectrum of the committees
OCLS continues to work internally to move projects forward
Page 1+ Steering Committee - Page Turners (Liana) [Ongoing - at least till November 30th]
Language has been changed to reflect that this group will identify and delegate projects and establish working groups - they will not be undertaking the projects on a personal level.
Feedback: the document looks more manageable, it is now ‘less scary’
Membership and roles: thinking about the expertise that we want to see in the group.
Meeting frequency: for now, we will keep it as monthly, there will also be meetings with CLO between these meetings.
Next steps:
Establish who is interested in carrying on, who is available, who would like to leave, and see what vacancies there are (these vacancies will determine for the roles that we are looking for).
It is unlikely that these actions will take place before January. This timeline will allow people to remain on the committee during the ‘transition’ period.
Provide individuals the option to be here for varying lengths of time (short commitment vs. long commitment
ACTION ITEM: @Jessica Bugorski and @John Ellis to canvas people's intentions going forward to establish - this will help us establish membership steps
Major Projects and Planning [Ongoing item]
Hard to classify as a ‘project’ - more of an undertaking
The SAD subcommittee is looking to create a resource to refer to when implementing Rialto to make the implementation easier on other colleges.
ACTION ITEM: @vroy and @Liana Giovando to investigate if OCLS will be doing Network Zone purchasing for the colleges