2022-10-25 Meeting Minutes


  1. Jessica Bugorski (Co-Chair)

  2. John Ellis (Co-Chair)

  3. Dijana Kladnjakovic (Subcommittee Co-Chair – Metadata/Cataloging)

  4. Gordana Vitez (Subcommittee Chair - Systems/Analytics/Data)

  5. Leigh Cunningham (Subcommittee Chair – eResources/Acquisitions)

  6. Julie Mandal (Subcommittee Chair – User Experience)

  7. Jane Burpee (Subcommittee Chair – Training/Communications/PR)

  8. Virginia Roy (OCLS)

  9. Liana Giovando (Project Manager)

  10. Thomas Guignard (OCLS)

  11. Lauren Rupert (OCLS)



Action Items

All Subcommittee Chairs to prepare a one-pager of recommendations for CLO on what roles and responsibilities of the Subcommittee need to be continued in the long-term for Page 1+ Governance. (Tentative due date of November 4th, however; this can be flexible)
@Liana Giovando to modify language and reframe sections of the Page Turner’s document for clarity

Discussion Items

Subcommittee Chair Updates

System, Analytics and Data - The SAD subcommittee is looking for advice on the subcommittee “round-up” from Liana.
The subcommittee continues to work on the analytics pieces and these reports relate to CLO, CLO needs and Library needs. These analytics pieces include: running reports, how to run reports, the proper spaces (share) to use, with implications to using those spaces. The subcommittee is doing ‘in the weeds’ work to make analytics tasks easier for those working in the library. It is a project that is meant to help others.
There is another meeting this Friday - where the subcommittee will be finalizing shared reports analytics guidelines.
Identified a need to keep this subcommittee indefinitely

MET/CAT - The Metadata and Cataloguing subcommittee are continuing to work on the CLO Metadata standards, workflows and templates. These resources can be used by those participating in the Page 1+ consortium and the broader college base.
The most recent subcommittee meeting focused on the “yellow tabs” - this means working towards finishing the last of the material types for the CLO Metadata standards.

E-Resources - The E-Resources subcommittee has extended their series of meetings until the end of January. The subcommittee has already begun work on their one pager.
The subcommittee has finished what was originally a briefing note which turned into a “how to navigate” document. This document includes information on tracking accounts, multiple ledgers, etc.
The subcommittee is currently working problem solving with network zone resources.

User Experience and Training Communications and PR - No updates, subcommittees concluded

OCLS Update (Virginia)

  • OCLS is working on some companion pieces to accompany the subcommittees one page information sheets. These companion pieces will provide context on where the subcommittees came from, and where OCLS sees a need or reliance for these subcommittees.

  • Communications Channels - OCLS is looking into repurposing/evolving the list serves so that the right people are being contacted in the appropriate instance. Eg. E-Resources, General, Analytics). These listservs would be available to applicable members.

  • The 2023/2024 fee schedule has been distributed, the CLO meeting will be coming up this Thursday (October 27th), if you are unable to attend, please send a delegate.

Page 1+ Steering Committee - Page Turners (Liana) [Ongoing - at least till November 30th]

  • Changes made to the document:

    • Roles and responsibilities of the Page Turners (mainly things already happening that need to continue on)

      • Suggestion: roles that are already being undertaken can be highlighted/distinguished for those tasks that are new. this will help to demonstrate how services are split up. The items that have not been done before could be marked with a (NEW).

      • The Membership and Roles sections of the document have been more detailed - this will provide a clearer understanding as to who is needed, how many people are needed and what their responsibilities might be

      • A section for meeting frequency has been included; however, this section is subject to change

  • Communications has been identified as having to potential of being a big topic of discussion

  • There might be a benefit to speaking to this document in the November 30th meeting, some of the key information may have been muddled during Covid and membership changes

  • Establish clearly how this committee will interact/communicate with other committees

  • Reminder: Just because there is an item in the Page Turners roles and responsibilities does not mean it needs to be done for/during every meeting.

  • Page Turners would be able strike working groups, to populate the group, and create the workshop spaces

  • Delegate work and projects to the correct working groups/OCLS

  • Items to decide on:

    • When is this being put into action

    • What is the plan for member recruitment

    • When do we want to start meeting as a committee (not before the new year)

  • ACTION ITEM: @Liana Giovando to modify language and reframe sections of the Page Turner’s document for clarity


Major Projects and Planning [Ongoing item]

  • ALMA D implementation - establish college availability and preferences for implementing alma D, right now the concern is getting it on the Calendar. It should be noted that everyone who implements together will have different implementation costs from those who implement later. Most colleges will be starting from scratch rather than migrating Data. Establish who will participate in the first round of implementation.

  • Resource Sharing - there is an initial draft of project plan, it is still very much in the pre-planning. Need to identify the workload before we begin asking people to participate in resource sharing. Research, clarity and clear action. Evaluating which of the two projects needs to be prioritized (ALMA D or Resource Sharing)

  • RIALTO - Rialto is not as simple as we thought it was going to be. Rialto will be an individual implementation rather than a group implementation; it cannot be done as an organization or group. Currently attempting to get all of the relevant information together for the benefit to those who decide to use it. Negotiation of the terms are coming together.


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