2022-11-22 Meeting Minutes

2022-11-22 Meeting Minutes



  1. John Ellis (Co-Chair)

  2. Virginia Roy (OCLS)

  3. Julie Mandal (Subcommittee Chair – User Experience)

  4. Gordana Vitez (Subcommittee Chair - Systems/Analytics/Data)

  5. Jane Burpee (Subcommittee Chair – Training/Communications/PR)

  6. Dijana Kladnjakovic (Subcommittee Co-Chair – Metadata/Cataloging)

  7. Liana Giovando (Project Manager)

  8. Thomas Guignard (OCLS)

  9. Lauren Rupert (OCLS)


  • Jessica Bugorski (Co-Chair)

  • Leigh Cunningham (Subcommittee Chair – eResources/Acquisitions)

Action Items

@Liana Giovando to share the graphic and the briefing package to this committees' members for upcoming CLO meeting on November 30th.

Discussion Items

Subcommittee Chair Updates (eRes, MetCat, and SAD)

  • Systems, Analytics and Data: There have been no further updates since the last meeting. The Systems, Analytics and Data subcommittee will meet again this coming Friday.

  • Metadata and Cataloguing: The Metadata and Cataloguing subcommittee continues to work on updating the CLO Metadata standards LibGuide - they are currently working to provide cataloguing examples. An announcement was made to the subcommittee future plans and their continuation until January.

  • eResource: There have been no further updates since the last meeting. The meeting date is under revision for this week.

OCLS Update (Virginia)

  • Rialto

    • The last meeting regarding Rialto saw the following developments:

      • The vendor has increased the discount percentage, as well as adding the revised discount to the first, second, and third year of service.

    • What needs to be done now:

      • Establish which libraries are actively working to go live with Rialto

        • Noticed many intend to go live by the end of the fiscal year (March)

      • Colleges have expressed interest; however, no one has started the transition officially.

        • Centennial has placed themselves on the implementation waiting list

  • Alma D

    • Virginia, Marnie, Liana, and Katherine met to discuss Alma D earlier this week

    • They are attempting to secure a meeting with the project planning at Ex-Libris.

    • A timeline is being worked on to ensure that colleges will be supported during the process if Alma D is implemented.

  • Named Users

    • A meeting about named users and the needs associated with named

    • Liana, Gordana and Virginia to meet in preparation of meeting with Tate

  • OCLS Update

    • OCLS is currently working internally to ensure all services are well organized

    • A meeting was held with the Ex-Libris support team to address the Help Desk.

      • There will be quarterly meetings with Help Desk to ensure their continued provision

    • is in order/things are running well Working internally to make sure all services are running well and that the house is organized well - ongoing work for OCLS

    • Met with Ex-Libris support team to address the help desk/tickets. There will be quarterly meetings to ensure that Ex-Libris continues to provide the services that we need.

      • Need to decide who goes to these and how these dates will be chosen (Planning to start these meeting in January 2023)

Prep for CLO November 30th meeting

  • All subcommittee recommendation documents have been submitted

  • A briefing package will be distributed soon

  • ACTION ITEM: @Liana Giovando to share the graphic and the briefing package to this committees' members.

Handling NZ Setting Change Requests (keep on Agenda)

  • The handling of the NZ Setting Change Requests is an example of what the Page 1+ will give support to moving forward

    • A Hypothetical Situation: a patron is requesting the library to purchase materials

      • OCLS will receive a request from the applicable library to enable the function. However, enabling this request will impact individuals at all colleges, so OCLS will have to ensure the majority is agreeable to the situation.

      • The services provided by OCLS will become more transparent, with a need driven customer service focus

      • A member of OCLS would create documentation to evaluate all options, dependencies, questions, etc. prompted by the material request. Then the documentation could be brought forward to CLO and other voting members to evaluate the information.

      • There would always be the opportunity to discuss with different committees for their expertise

    • Questions:

      • How will things like this be set up to view (available in other colleges)

      • Is there a way to prompt students to look for the material in other library catalogues before requesting the material be purchased? This might increase ILL activity


Future Committee (Summary Discussion AFTER the CLO Meeting)



Role/Committee Interest



Role/Committee Interest






Co-Chair + Systems



Metrics and Assessment






Co-Chair + Working Groups as needed



Working Group as Needed

Chat reflecting interest in continued participation on the Implementation Steering Committee

  • Jessica and John reached out to individuals regarding their interest in staying on the Implementation Steering Committee

  • These changes are set to start around February 1st

  • The new Implementation Steering Committee (Page 1+ Steering Committee/Page Turners) will:

    • Meet monthly rather than weekly - this will lead to lower overall committeemen

Ongoing Projects (Standing Item)

  • Addressed by Virginia in her OCLS Update to the committee