2022-12-06 Meeting Minutes

2022-12-06 Meeting Minutes



  1. Jessica Bugorski (Co-Chair)

  2. Virginia Roy (OCLS)

  3. Julie Mandal (Subcommittee Chair – User Experience)

  4. Jane Burpee (Subcommittee Chair – Training/Communications/PR)

  5. Dijana Kladnjakovic (Subcommittee Co-Chair – Metadata/Cataloging)

  6. Gordana Vitez (Subcommittee Chair - Systems/Analytics/Data)

  7. Thomas Guignard (OCLS)

  8. Liana Giovando (Project Manager)

  9. Lauren Rupert (OCLS)


  • John Ellis (Co-Chair)

  • Leigh Cunningham (Subcommittee Chair – eResources/Acquisitions)

Action Items

@Lauren Rupert to schedule meetings for the 2023 season
OCLS to schedule an announcement about the Alma D software being available as well as providing more information on how to install in the new year.
@Liana Giovando to set up Alma D training sessions for those colleges who are interested in participating.

Discussion Items

Subcommittee Chair Updates

  • Metadata and Cataloguing: The metadata and cataloguing subcommittee continues to work on the CLO Metadata Standards LibGuide, they are excited to say that they are approaching the final stages of the LibGuides creation. For the past two meetings the subcommittee has been collecting and reviewing examples for the LibGuide. It is key to note that individuals are beginning to use the LibGuide.

OCLS Update (Virginia)

  • The OCLS team is working on help desk inquieries as well as e-resource inquieries.

  • They are working to resolve e-resource issues

  • There will be a meeting taking place tomorrow, with Ex Libris, regarding named users

  • Overall, OCLS continues to work on all services to ensure that services are being provided to those in need of them.

Enabling Purchase Requests Briefing Note: https://clo-collaboration-spaces.atlassian.net/l/cp/adoruhL9

  • This topic was originally posed two (2) meetings ago

  • Alma allows a feature which enables patrons to make purchase requests to their institution, this function can be enabled in Primo VE

  • Before this feature can be enabled the ISC needs to provide approval, as this is a feature that will affect all colleges.

    • However, it should be noted that this feature can be turned off by colleges

    • In addition, the action can be reversed at any time for institutions

    • OCLS will enable this in the Network Zone - however, colleges must manually enable the setting in their institution zone

  • Briefing note summary:

    • The purpose of this briefing note to provide the approval to OCLS to make the relevant changes to Alma

  • There needs to be a method to track the requests and a way of tracking if the request is accepted or declined

  • The briefing note was approved by the subcommittee

  • When this briefing note is put into action there will need to be a notification detailing what will be changed and when, as well as information about preferred settings and how to change settings

Future Committee/Page 1+ Page Turners

  • Structure of the Page 1+ Page Turners going forward (as of January)

    • As of January, the roles in the new roles table will be followed

    • The committee will meet twice in January: 10th, and 24th, after which the committee will meet monthly

    • As of January, meetings will instead be 1.5 hours rather than 1 hour

    • As of January, due to meetings occurring less frequently, there is the possibility of ‘impromptu’ meetings occurring should important topics arise

    • As of January, Jane and John will be the new co-chair contacts

    • ACTION ITEM: @Lauren Rupert to schedule meetings for the 2023 season

  • Next steps are being established as the de-brief is being constructed

Ongoing Projects (Standing Item)

  • Rialto

    • From Liana’s survey it appears that all but 4 colleges have expressed an interest in Rialto

      • Many if not all these colleges have signed their letter of agreement and begun the implementation process.

    • https://clo-collaboration-spaces.atlassian.net/l/cp/Li1BVFvc - this document tracks who is using what software and where they are in their implementation process.

    • So far, Loyalist is the only college who has completed the Rialto implementation process

    • Humber is set to run their first percurrent test next Monday - they are also anticipating training to begin next week

      • Ex Libris has been very accommodating in their timelines

    • OCLS is expecting to receive the draft contract from Rialto this week.

      • Institutions can continue to use Oasis if they desire to - even if they are not signing onto Rialto

      • The discounting structure will remain the same between Oasis and Rialto, especially concerning e-book purchasing

    • A need for a space to share information about the Rialto implementation phase was identified, this would be a space to share tips and tricks or other helpful documents

  • Alma Digital

    • Alma D comes with Alma, meaning it is everyone already has Alma D.

    • Alma D can be enabled at any time, to enable Alma D there are instructions through the Ex Libris Knowlege Centre

    • Seems the “issue” with Alma D does not lay in the implementation phase but instead in the migration aspect of the set-up

      • Debating if everyone should undertake migration together

      • Need to establish if there is a need for organized data for migration to occur

      • Is manual migration an option?

      • Perhaps, propose a delay if you need to migrate information

    • However, if you are not looking to migrate materials you can start the process now

    • An interest in training sessions has been expressed

      • Possibly for two training session: one for those who are ready to implement now and a second for those who are interested in implementing later

      • Onboarding/training fees are incorporated in the fee overall

    • ACTION ITEM: OCLS to schedule an announcement about the Alma D software being available as well as providing more information on how to install in the new year.

    • ACTION ITEM: @Liana Giovando to set up Alma D training sessions for those colleges who are interested in participating.

  • Leganto

    • No updates at this time

  • Ex-Libris Named Users


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